


The following text is for question 23 and 24.

Rita: Look at that, Jimmy. It’s Emma. She’s jogging, too.

Jimmy: Hi, Emma. Nice to meet you here. Are you jogging?

Emma: Hi, Jimmy, Rita. Nice to meet you, too. Yeah, I always jog here every Sunday morning.

Rita: That’s great. Are you a fast runner?

Emma: No. I’m not that good. I just run for exercising. How about you, Rita?

Rita: Oh, me too. I’m just accompanying Jimmy exercising here. He will join a sprint competition. He won the competition last year.

Emma: Oh, really? You are a sprinter, Jimmy. You must be the fastest runner among the three of us. That’s cool.

Jimmy: Thank you. I’m trying my best to win the competition.

From the text above we know that …

From the text above we know that …

  1. Rita runs faster than Emma.

  2. Emma runs faster than Jimmy.

  3. Jimmy is the faster runner of all.

  4. Emma is the slowest runner of them


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined 



Emma mengatakan, " You are a sprinter, Jimmy. You must be the fastest runner among the three of us." Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Emma mengatakan, "You are a sprinter, Jimmy. You must be the fastest runner among the three of us."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.undefined 

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Pertanyaan serupa

The text suggests that ....



Jawaban terverifikasi


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