


After the independence, Bandung was almost captured by the British and their allies, so the revolutionaries decided to burn out the city. The Northern pat of Bandung was eventually captured, and the Southern part was evacuated and set on fire. Bandung is also about evacuation and destruction by revolutionary fire known as Bandung Lautan Api (Bandung, The Sea of Fire).

(Taken from: Meanings of Bandung: Postcolonial Orders and Decolonial Visions)

From the paragraph, we know that Bandung The Sea of Fire ...

From the paragraph, we know that Bandung The Sea of Fire ...

  1. took place in Jakarta

  2. Caused the city defeated by by The British

  3. lasted before the independence

  4. happened after Indonesia's Independence

  5. was caused by the British and their allies.


D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah happened after Indonesia's Independence atau pilihan D.

jawaban yang tepat adalah happened after Indonesia's Independence atau pilihan D.



Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada kalimat " After the independence , Bandung was almost captured by the British and their allies, so the revolutionaries decided to burn out the city ". Dari kalimat tersebut kita tahu bahwa kejadian pembakaran kota Bandung terjadi setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah happened after Indonesia's Independence atau pilihan D .

Kita dapat menemukan jawaban pada kalimat "After the independence, Bandung was almost captured by the British and their allies, so the revolutionaries decided to burn out the city". Dari kalimat tersebut kita tahu bahwa kejadian pembakaran kota Bandung terjadi setelah kemerdekaan Indonesia.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah happened after Indonesia's Independence atau pilihan D.

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Jawaban terverifikasi


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