
For questions 13 to 17, choose suitable words to complete the following text. King Dan The story is told that, in olden days, there were three (13) ____, Dan, Nor, and Osten. They were the sons of King Ypper,who lived in Uppsala in Sweden, which was named for him. The three young men went their separate ways, settling each in a different country. Dan went to Denmark, Nor to Norway, and Osten stayed in Sweden, in the countries to the East. At that time, the realm of Denmark (14) ____.Dan ruled only over the island of Zealand and the lesser isles. Jutland, Funen, and Scania were each separate kingdoms. The Jutes were, at that time, at war with the German king. They built up earthworks and a palisade along their southern border, in that place where Queen Thyra later caused Dannevirke to be built. They named this wall Kovirke. But, when the German king came with a mighty host, they sent messengers to King Dan asking for his help. Dan went to war with the Germans, and a great battle (15) ____ before the wall. Most of the enemy fell, 'biting the dust', as the saying goes, and the rest fled. When the Jutes saw how (16) ____ King Dan was, they led him to theirthing-place, and placed him upon a great stone, proclaiming him the King. This stone was since called Daneryge and it was there, later, that Danish kings were acclaimed. Daneryge was to be found on the thing-place outside Viborg, and the entire place (17) ____ Danerlyngen. When the people of Funen and Scania heard of this, they also elected Dan their king. Dan now summoned the best men in all the realm and he said to them, "This land is fair and fertile, yet it has one flaw: it lacks for a name." They answered him, "You are Dan, and therefore the realm shallbe called Danmark, and this name shall last for so long as the world lasts." Since that time, the land is called 'Danmark' and people usually call it 'Denmark'. (Adopted from: (September 17, 2019))

For questions 13 to 17, choose suitable words to complete the following text.

King Dan

    The story is told that, in olden days, there were three (13) ____, Dan, Nor, and Osten. They were the sons of King Ypper, who lived in Uppsala in Sweden, which was named for him.

    The three young men went their separate ways, settling each in a different country. Dan went to Denmark, Nor to Norway, and Osten stayed in Sweden, in the countries to the East.

    At that time, the realm of Denmark (14) ____. Dan ruled only over the island of Zealand and the lesser isles. Jutland, Funen, and Scania were each separate kingdoms. The Jutes were, at that time, at war with the German king. They built up earthworks and a palisade along their southern border, in that place where Queen Thyra later caused Dannevirke to be built. They named this wall Kovirke. But, when the German king came with a mighty host, they sent messengers to King Dan asking for his help.

    Dan went to war with the Germans, and a great battle (15) ____ before the wall. Most of the enemy fell, 'biting the dust', as the saying goes, and the rest fled. When the Jutes saw how (16) ____ King Dan was, they led him to their thing-place, and placed him upon a great stone, proclaiming him the King. This stone was since called Daneryge and it was there, later, that Danish kings were acclaimed. Daneryge was to be found on the thing-place outside Viborg, and the entire place (17) ____ Danerlyngen.

    When the people of Funen and Scania heard of this, they also elected Dan their king. Dan now summoned the best men in all the realm and he said to them, "This land is fair and fertile, yet it has one flaw: it lacks for a name."

    They answered him, "You are Dan, and therefore the realm shall be called Danmark, and this name shall last for so long as the world lasts."

    Since that time, the land is called 'Danmark' and people usually call it 'Denmark'.

(Adopted from: (September 17, 2019))

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D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D. brothers.

jawaban yang benar adalah D. brothers.


Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang 13. Arti dari " The story is told that, in olden days, there were three (13) ____, Dan, Nor, and Osten. They were the sons of King Ypper , who lived in Uppsala in Sweden, which was named for him ." adalah "Diceritakan bahwa, di masa lalu, ada tiga (13) ____, Dan, Nor, dan Osten. Mereka adalah putra Raja Ypper , yang tinggal di Uppsala di Swedia, yang dinamai menurut namanya." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. brothers.

Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang 13.

Arti dari "The story is told that, in olden days, there were three (13) ____, Dan, Nor, and Osten. They were the sons of King Ypper, who lived in Uppsala in Sweden, which was named for him." adalah "Diceritakan bahwa, di masa lalu, ada tiga (13) ____, Dan, Nor, dan Osten. Mereka adalah putra Raja Ypper, yang tinggal di Uppsala di Swedia, yang dinamai menurut namanya."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D. brothers.

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From the text we can learn that we should not ____.



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