

Firsta: Wow! Our class is very messy and .... Putri: Let’s sweep it Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger 0 Edit in Ginger × Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

Firsta: Wow! Our class is very messy and ....

Putri: Let’s sweep it

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  1. Tidy

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  2. Clean

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  3. Dirty

  4. Neat

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D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C

jawaban yang tepat adalah Cspace



Respon Putri yaitu “ Let’s sweep it ” jika diterjemahkan artinya “ayo kita menyapu (kelas)”. Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa kelas tersebut berantakan dan kotor. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah C Enable Ginger Cannot connect to Ginger Check your internet connection or reload the browser Disable in this text field Edit Edit in Ginger Edit in Ginger ×

Respon Putri yaitu “Let’s sweep it” jika diterjemahkan artinya “ayo kita menyapu (kelas)”. Dapat kita simpulkan bahwa kelas tersebut berantakan dan kotor.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Cspace

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Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



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Translate the words below into Bahasa Indonesia! tired: ____.



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