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Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet
The internet is a technology that has revolutionized the entire world. The way that we think, conduct business, communicate, and entertain ourselves, have all changed dramatically because of internet. The web can be accessed easily anywhere and everywhere. It is difficult to imagine our world without the internet, but would it be better? It’s hard to truly break down the effects of the internet on society, but the best way to start is by examining all of the benefits and drawbacks that we know of.
Internet has some advantages for human being. First, internet provides unlimited access to Information. Anything you need to know can be found and learned on the internet. There are millions websites that provide different types of topics. Second, Internet can bridge the culture gap. People can connect to people all over the world because of internet connection. Third, internet gives us a big opportunity to develop business and marketing. The ability to reach wider markets, collect valuable research on potential customers, and conduct business all over the world, has created a virtual business boom in history of mankind.
In spite of having those advantages, internet has also some disadvantages. First, Internet is a potential breeding ground for Illegal activity. Since everyone can access internet easily, illegal activity can also be done more easily through this technology. Second, the world is becoming more dependent to internet. All of our important information such as our medical records, criminal records, educational records, and finance records are very dependent on the security of the sites that they reside on. So if one virus is designed well enough to break through the security, it can shut down the economy. The last, children are vulnerable and exposed by the internet. Pornographic material is the most prominent, and children can very easily stumble upon these types of websites and be exposed to things that they should not be.
In conclusion, internet and its both advantages and disadvantages are now happening in our world. If we use it wisely, we will get so many advantages and vise versa.
(Adopted from: (accessed on February 3, 2021))
Jika dilihat dari judul teks di atas, yaitu "Keuntungan dan Kerugian dari Internet", maka kita dapat mengetahui bahwa teks tersebut membahas atau menyajikan dua sudut pandang yang berbeda mengenai satu isu, yaitu internet. Hal ini merupakan tujuan (purpose) dari Discussion Text.
Adapun Generic Structure of Discussion Text (pola struktur teks) sebagai berikut:
- Issue
Dapat kita lihat atau temukan di paragraf pertama. Umumnya berisi pemaparan tentang isu yang akan didiskusikan dalam teks tersebut.
- Argument For
Setelah menyajikan isu pada paragraf pertama, pada paragraf kedua penulis dapat terlebih dahulu menjabarkan pandangan atau pendapat yang pro (arguments for) terkait isu.
- Argument Against
Setelah pandangan pro akan isu telah dipaparkan, paragraf selanjutnya dilanjutkan dengan pandangan yang kontra (argument against). Biasanya ditandai dengan adanya kosakata penghubung yang berlawanan, misal however, nevertheless, in the other side, on the other hand, etc.
- Conclusion atau Recomendation
Paragraf akhir teks umumnya berisi kesimpulan atau rekomendasi penulis terhadap isu yang telah dipaparkan di paragraf-paragraf sebelumnya, sehingga pembaca dapat mengikuti dan setuju dengan pendapat penulis.
Dengan demikian, kamu dapat mencari contoh Discussion Text yang lain dengan memerhatikan pola struktur teks (Generic Structure of Discussion Tex).