

EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT THIS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT is dated onOctober 15, 2015 BETWEEN Terrance Smithheimer of 166 South Bedford St. (the "Employer") STATED AS THE FIRST PARTY - AND - Jenkins Butler of 82 North King St. (the "Employee") STATED AS THE SECOND PARTY BACKGROUND: A. The Employer is onthe opinion that the Employee has the necessary qualification, experience, and abilitiyto assist and benefit the Employer in its business. B. The Employer desires to employ the Employee and the Employee has agreed to accept and enter such employment upon the terms and conditions set out in ths Agreement. IN CONSIDERATION OF the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement agree as follow: Commencement Date and Term 1. The Employee will commence permanent full-time employment with the Employer on the 15th day of October, 2015 (the "Commencement Date") What is the correct statement from Employment Contract Letter above?


THIS EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT is dated on October 15, 2015


Terrance Smithheimer of 166 South Bedford St. (the "Employer")



- AND -


Jenkins Butler of 82 North King St. (the "Employee")




A. The Employer is on the opinion that the Employee has the necessary qualification, experience, and abilitiy to assist and benefit the Employer in its business.

B. The Employer desires to employ the Employee and the Employee has agreed to accept and enter such employment upon the terms and conditions set out in ths Agreement.


IN CONSIDERATION OF the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement agree as follow:


Commencement Date and Term

1. The Employee will commence permanent full-time employment with the Employer on the 15th day of October, 2015 (the "Commencement Date")



What is the correct statement from Employment Contract Letter above?

  1. The employment contract is dated on the 15th day of November, 2015

  2. Employee has the highest position in the company

  3. Employee has agreed to accept the terms and conditions in this agreement

  4. Jenkins Butler is an employer

  5. There are three parties of the agreement in this employment contract

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


Jawaban yang paling tepat yaitu (C) karena sudah jelas bahwa karyawan/pegawai harus mematuhi dan menerima syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku pada perusahaan dalam perjanjian. Pilihan (A) terdapat kesalahan pada bulan yang harusnya October , bukan November . Pilihan (B) salah karena yang mempunyai jabatan tertinggi itu superior. Pilihan (D) juga salah karena Jenkins Butler itu adalah employee . Dan pilihan yang terakhir (E) sudah pasti salah karena hanya ada first party and second party.

Jawaban yang paling tepat yaitu (C) karena sudah jelas bahwa karyawan/pegawai harus mematuhi dan menerima syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku pada perusahaan dalam perjanjian. Pilihan (A) terdapat kesalahan pada bulan yang harusnya October, bukan November. Pilihan (B) salah karena yang mempunyai jabatan tertinggi itu superior. Pilihan (D) juga salah karena Jenkins Butler itu adalah employee. Dan pilihan yang terakhir (E) sudah pasti salah karena hanya ada first party and second party.

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