



EASTER HOLIDAYS Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets. Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul ____ (1. go) camping in the mountains. They ____ (2. spend) a wonderful time there. They ____ (3. wake up) early in the morning and then they ____ (4. go) for a walk. In the village they ____ (5. buy) everything they ____ (6. need). In the afternoon they ____ (7. play) football, ____ (8. watch) the birds and ____ (9. swim) in the river. They ____ (10. not have) a Tv set, so after dinner they ____ (11. talk) for a while and then they ____ (12. go) to sleep. One night, Jimmy ____ (13. have) a very strange dream: they ____ (14. be) by the river watching the moon. Suddenly they ____ (15. hear) someone calling "Hello! Hello!" They ___ (16. turn) around and they ____ (17. see) a strange creature. It ____ (18. be) green and very small. He ____ (19. invite) them to go to his spaceship. There they ____ (20. meet) other strange creatures and a beautiful princess. They ____ (21. sit) down around a table and they ____ (22. eat) some strange food. Jimmy ____ (23. drink) a glass of fruit juice. It ____ (24. taste) good so he ____ (25. ask) for another glass of it. After a while he ____ (26. feel) a bit strange. Oh, dear...he ____ (27. turn) green and small like the others. The princess ____ (28. not be) beautiful anymore and she _____ (29. look) horrible. What was happening? He ____ (30. open) his eyes and ... what a relief! It ____ (31. be) only a dream!


Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the verbs in brackets.

    Last Easter holidays Jimmy and Paul ____ (1. go) camping in the mountains. They ____ (2. spend) a wonderful time there. They ____ (3. wake up) early in the morning and then they ____ (4. go) for a walk. In the village they ____ (5. buy) everything they ____ (6. need).

    In the afternoon they ____ (7. play) football, ____ (8. watch) the birds and ____ (9. swim) in the river. They ____ (10. not have) a Tv set, so after dinner they ____ (11. talk) for a while and then they ____ (12. go) to sleep.

    One night, Jimmy ____ (13. have) a very strange dream: they ____ (14. be) by the river watching the moon.

    Suddenly they ____ (15. hear) someone calling "Hello! Hello!" They ___ (16. turn) around and they ____ (17. see) a strange creature.

    It ____ (18. be) green and very small. He ____ (19. invite) them to go to his spaceship. There they ____ (20. meet) other strange creatures and a beautiful princess.

    They ____ (21. sit) down around a table and they ____ (22. eat) some strange food. Jimmy ____ (23. drink) a glass of fruit juice. It ____ (24. taste) good so he ____ (25. ask) for another glass of it.

    After a while he ____ (26. feel) a bit strange.

    Oh, dear...he ____ (27. turn) green and small like the others. The princess ____ (28. not be) beautiful anymore and she _____ (29. look) horrible.

    What was happening?

    He ____ (30. open) his eyes and ... what a relief! It ____ (31. be) only a dream!


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benaradalah was.

jawaban yang benar adalah was.




Pada soal ini, kita diperintahkan untuk mengisi kalimat yang rumpang dengan kata yang ada di dalam kurung dan mengubahnya menjadi kata yang merujuk pada kalimat Simple Past Tense / kalimat yang memiliki makna lampau. Rumus Simple Past Tense adalah S + V2 + O/C. Untuk soal nomor 31 yaitu " It ____ (31. be) only a dream! ", kita butuh merubah " be " menjadi bentuk Simple Past Tense. Bentuk lampau dari " be " dari it, adalah " was ". Jadi, jawaban yang benaradalah was.

Pada soal ini, kita diperintahkan untuk mengisi kalimat yang rumpang dengan kata yang ada di dalam kurung dan mengubahnya menjadi kata yang merujuk pada kalimat Simple Past Tense / kalimat yang memiliki makna lampau. Rumus Simple Past Tense adalah S + V2 + O/C.

Untuk soal nomor 31 yaitu "It ____ (31. be) only a dream!", kita butuh merubah "be" menjadi bentuk Simple Past Tense.

Bentuk lampau dari "be" dari it, adalah "was".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah was.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Fill the blanks with regular or irregular verbs.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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