

Task 1: Observe and compare the text.

Observe these two texts. In groups, compare them using the questions that follow.


    Last Saturday, the 12-grade students went for a trip to the botanical garden. Some teachers were also with us. We gathered together in front of the schoolyard very early in the morning. It took us about two hours by bus to get there from our school.

    At the botanical garden, we did several things. First, we bought the entrance ticket. Second, we listened to our teachers' instructions about group activities. Next, we divided ourselves into groups based on our personal interests. Then, each group followed the assigned teacher. We spent the rest of the day with our groups doing a lot of activities. It was really a fun day for us.


    Head lice can be treated by wet combing. For it to be effective, wet combing needs to be regular and thorough. These are the steps of wet combing. First, wash the hair using ordinary shampoo and apply plenty of conditioners, before using a wide-toothed comb to straighten and untangle the hair. Second, switch to the louse detection comb. Third, draw the comb down to the ends of the hair with every stroke, and check the comb for lice. Next, remove lice by wiping or rinsing the comb. Then, work methodically through the hair, section by section, so that the whole head is combed through. Finally, rinse out the conditioner and repeat the combing procedure. Repeat the procedure on days 5, 9, and 13, so that you clear young lice as they hatch before they have time to reach maturity.

(Adapted from: www.nhs.uk)

Do you think the two texts have the same purpose in society? Why do you think so?

Do you think the two texts have the same purpose in society? Why do you think so?

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "No, they don't. Text 1is a recount text, the purpose of recount textis to retell to the reader about an event in the past. Then, text2 is categorized as a procedure text, the purposeis to explain to the reader how to make/operate/do something coherently. So, the two texts do not have the same function and purpose for the community (readers)."

jawaban yang benar adalah "No, they don't. Text 1 is a recount text, the purpose of recount text is to retell to the reader about an event in the past. Then, text 2 is categorized as a procedure text, the purpose is to explain to the reader how to make/operate/do something coherently. So, the two texts do not have the same function and purpose for the community (readers)."



Soal menanyakan apakah menurut siswa kedua teks tersebut memiliki tujuan yang sama dalam masyarakat dan berikan alasannya. Tidak. Teks 1merupakan recount text yang tujuannya adalah menceritakan kembali ( retell ) kepada pembaca tentang suatu kejadian di masa lampau. Sementara itu, teks 2 dikategorikan sebagai procedure text yang tujuannya adalah menjelaskan kepada pembaca cara membuat/mengoperasikan/melakukan sesuatu ( tell how to make/operate/do something ) secara runtut. Maka,kedua teks tersebut tidak memiliki fungsi dan tujuan yang sama bagi masyarakat (pembaca). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "No, they don't. Text 1is a recount text, the purpose of recount textis to retell to the reader about an event in the past. Then, text2 is categorized as a procedure text, the purposeis to explain to the reader how to make/operate/do something coherently. So, the two texts do not have the same function and purpose for the community (readers)."

Soal menanyakan apakah menurut siswa kedua teks tersebut memiliki tujuan yang sama dalam masyarakat dan berikan alasannya.

Tidak. Teks 1 merupakan recount text yang tujuannya adalah menceritakan kembali (retell) kepada pembaca tentang suatu kejadian di masa lampau.

Sementara itu, teks 2 dikategorikan sebagai procedure text yang tujuannya adalah menjelaskan kepada pembaca cara membuat/mengoperasikan/melakukan sesuatu (tell how to make/operate/do something) secara runtut.

Maka, kedua teks tersebut tidak memiliki fungsi dan tujuan yang sama bagi masyarakat (pembaca).

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "No, they don't. Text 1 is a recount text, the purpose of recount text is to retell to the reader about an event in the past. Then, text 2 is categorized as a procedure text, the purpose is to explain to the reader how to make/operate/do something coherently. So, the two texts do not have the same function and purpose for the community (readers)."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Here are some language features of procedure text, except ....



Jawaban terverifikasi


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