


Did you ride your like to school when you were a kid? A generation ago most kids rode, walked or caught the bus to school; very few of us were dropped off by our parents at the school gate. These days most of us have experienced the daily traffic jams around school at drop-off and pick-up times, as parents drive their children to the school gate. While there is no national data on the number of children who walk or ride to school, a recent Victorian survey found early half of all children are driven to school every day. Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons ..... mostly to do with safety and convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills. Reasearch suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children participation in leisure or potting activities has dropped off, says Dr Can Garrard. Participation in these activities has not altered much over he years, Garrard says but what has changed is the level of incidental activity children do. "When you look at countries where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not have to be sports. All they have to do is to get around the way the community get around by walking and cycling, and they get enough physical activity," she says. By writing the sentence "... chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills." (paragraph 2, sentence 2), the author implies that...

Did you ride your like to school when you were a kid? A generation ago most kids rode, walked or caught the bus to school; very few of us were dropped off by our parents at the school gate. These days most of us have experienced the daily traffic jams around school at drop-off and pick-up times, as parents drive their children to the school gate. While there is no national data on the number of children who walk or ride to school, a recent Victorian survey found early half of all children are driven to school every day.

Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons ..... mostly to do with safety and convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills.

Reasearch suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children participation in leisure or potting activities has dropped off, says Dr Can Garrard. Participation in these activities has not altered much over he years, Garrard says but what has changed is the level of incidental activity children do. "When you look at countries where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not have to be sports. All they have to do is to get around the way the community get around by walking and cycling, and they get enough physical activity," she says.

By writing the sentence "... chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills." (paragraph 2, sentence 2), the author implies that...

  1. kids given a lift to school likely lose vital social and physical advantages

  2. taking kids to school makes them deprived individuals when they grow up

  3. schooling means not only learning in classes but also socializing with others

  4. parents spoil their kids' future social and physical life by giving them a lift

  5. when a child needs physical and social training, parents should facilitate them


N. Supriyaningsih

Master Teacher

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Makna dari kalimat kedua paragraf kedua tersebut adalah “mengantar anak ke sekolah dengan mobil pribadi setiap hari dapat membuat anak-anak melewatkan kesempatan melatih tubuh mereka dan kemampuan hidup lainnya, maka di sini penulis mengindikasikan bahwa anak-anak yang diantar orang tua ke sekolah dengan menggunakan mobil cenderung memiliki kemampuan sosial dan fisik yang rendah, jawaban A paling tepat.

Makna dari kalimat kedua paragraf kedua tersebut adalah “mengantar anak ke sekolah dengan mobil pribadi setiap hari dapat membuat anak-anak melewatkan kesempatan melatih tubuh mereka dan kemampuan hidup lainnya, maka di sini penulis mengindikasikan bahwa anak-anak yang diantar orang tua ke sekolah dengan menggunakan mobil cenderung memiliki kemampuan sosial dan fisik yang rendah, jawaban A paling tepat.

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