


Dear Una, Hi honey, I hope you are doing well. How is school? I hope you can cope with your study. I am writing to tell you that Uncle Hasan has just come. He informed that Nana is going to get married next month. You know we have to prepare the gowns. I really want to know whether you can go home this weekend so that we can buy the fabric and send it to the tailor immediately. Remember we only have limited time to prepare the gowns. OK dear, let me know as soon as possible. I am looking forward to seeing you. The text suggests that Mommy is afraid that …

Dear Una,

                Hi honey, I hope you are doing well. How is school? I hope you can cope with your study.

                I am writing to tell you that Uncle Hasan has just come. He informed that Nana is going to get married next month. You know we have to prepare the gowns. I really want to know whether you can go home this weekend so that we can buy the fabric and send it to the tailor immediately. Remember we only have limited time to prepare the gowns.

                OK dear, let me know as soon as possible. I am looking forward to seeing you.

The text suggests that Mommy is afraid that …

  1. The gowns are not ready in time

  2. The marriage will be cancelled

  3. Una will not buy the fabric

  4. Una will go home soon


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi



Berdasarkan kalimat “Remember, we only have limited time to prepare the gown.”, dapat diketahui bahwa ibu mengingatkan kepada Una bahwa mereka hanya memiliki waktu yang terbatas untuk menyiapkan gaun, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) ‘the gowns are not ready in time’ atau ‘gaun tidak selesai tepat waktu’

Berdasarkan kalimat “Remember, we only have limited time to prepare the gown.”, dapat diketahui bahwa ibu mengingatkan kepada Una bahwa mereka hanya memiliki waktu yang terbatas untuk menyiapkan gaun, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (A) ‘the gowns are not ready in time’ atau ‘gaun tidak selesai tepat waktu’

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Dear Una, Hi honey, I hope you are doing well. How is school? I hope you can cope with your study. I am writing to tell you that Uncle Hasan has just come. He informed that Nana is going t...



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