

Dear Phatony, We're spending a week at a resort on the coast. There are lots of plastic donkeys and silly hats in the shops. It's really a touristy place. I think it's a horrible place. I rode a bike on Monday, but I fell off and hurt my leg. I wanted to try water skiing or windsurving, but I couldn't. Yesterday, Mum and Dad just lay on the beach sunbathing all morning. Then we had a picnic, but it was too hot and there were lots of flies. I wanted to go on a boat trip in the afternoon, but we went sightseeing instead. They took lots of photos, but I thought it was really boring. Even the weather's boring : it's just sunny the whole time. I can't wait to pack my bag and go home. Ramadhan "I can't wait to pack my bag and go home." The underlined words mean ...... the bag.

Dear Phatony,

We're spending a week at a resort on the coast. There are lots of plastic donkeys and silly hats in the shops. It's really a touristy place. I think it's a horrible place.

I rode a bike on Monday, but I fell off and hurt my leg. I wanted to try water skiing or windsurving, but I couldn't.

Yesterday, Mum and Dad just lay on the beach sunbathing all morning. Then we had a picnic, but it was too hot and there were lots of flies. I wanted to go on a boat trip in the afternoon, but we went sightseeing instead. They took lots of photos, but I thought it was really boring. Even the weather's boring : it's just sunny the whole time.

I can't wait to pack my bag and go home.



"I can't wait to pack my bag and go home."
The underlined words mean ...... the bag.

  1. ask someone to bring

  2. put on his clothes in

  3. put his belongings into

  4. carry things with

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan paket belajar pilihan

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Kata “pack my bag” pada penggalan kalimat “I can’t wait to pack my bag and go home” bermakna merapihkan barang-barang ke dalam tas. Kata yang “pack my bag” berarti “put his belongings into”.

Kata “pack my bag” pada penggalan kalimat “I can’t wait to pack my bag and go home” bermakna
merapihkan barang-barang ke dalam tas. Kata yang “pack my bag” berarti “put his belongings into”.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

"I promised him that he would see you at the end of this month." (Paragraph 2) What does the underlined pronoun refer to?



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Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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