


Daryl said that Indonesia currently had 75 vocational schools specializing in multimedia and animation that produce over 10,000 graduates each year. Yet, only 5 percent of graduates were truly ready to work, partly ____ a lack of connections between the schools and industry.

Daryl said that Indonesia currently had 75 vocational schools specializing in multimedia and animation that produce over 10,000 graduates each year. Yet, only 5 percent of graduates were truly ready to work, partly ____ a lack of connections between the schools and industry.

  1. since

  2. due to

  3. despite

  4. because

  5. in spite of



Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Raden Intan Lampung

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“ Yet, only 5 percent of graduates were truly ready to work, partly ____ a lack of connections between the schools and industry .” artinya “Namun, hanya 5 persen lulusan yang benar-benar siap untuk bekerja, sebagian ____ kurangnya hubungan antara sekolah dengan industri.” Sedikitnya lulusan yang bekerja adalah akibat dari kurang hubungan sekolah dengan industri. Berarti kedua klausa menunjukkan hubungan kausal. Pilihan C dan E salah. “ a lack of connection between the schools and industry ” merupakan frasa, maka yang kita gunakan adalah due to.

Yet, only 5 percent of graduates were truly ready to work, partly ____ a lack of connections between the schools and industry.” artinya “Namun, hanya 5 persen lulusan yang benar-benar siap untuk bekerja, sebagian ____ kurangnya hubungan antara sekolah dengan industri.” Sedikitnya lulusan yang bekerja adalah akibat dari kurang hubungan sekolah dengan industri. Berarti kedua klausa menunjukkan hubungan kausal. Pilihan C dan E salah. “a lack of connection between the schools and industry” merupakan frasa, maka yang kita gunakan adalah due to.

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Pertanyaan serupa

"Morning sickness" is the term often used to describe mild nausea and vomiting that occur ____ pregnancy.



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