


Complete the text with the suitable words from the box. Announcement (1) is very important for students, to gain more knowledge. In order to increase students' literacy astivities, ourschool is going to (2) the library building. It will be moved into a larger space at the pack part of this school. It will have (3) and outdoor concepts, to make Students more interested and comfortable in reading. The indoor area is the place where the books are (4) on shelves. Meanwhile, the outdoor area will be a park where the students can read books while sitting on available benches. The students should realize that reading is a (5) activity and can be done everywhere. Citra Kusuma Principal 2.) _____

Complete the text with the suitable words from the box.


    (1)      is very important for students, to gain more knowledge.

    In order to increase students' literacy astivities, our school is going to (2)      the library building. It will be moved into a larger space at the pack part of this school. It will have (3)     and outdoor concepts, to make Students more interested and comfortable in reading. The indoor area is the place where the books are (4) on shelves. Meanwhile, the outdoor area will be a park where the students can read books while sitting on available benches.

    The students should realize that reading is a (5)     activity and can be done everywhere.

Citra Kusuma


2.) _____

  1. ... 


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat untuk no 2adalah relocate

jawaban yang tepat untuk no 2 adalah relocate



Pada soal ini anda diminta untuk lengkapi kalimat yang rumpang dengan kata benda dalam kotak. Pada no 2. kalimat : In order to increase students' literacy astivities, ourschool is going to (2) the library building. Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas literasi siswa, sekolah kami akan (2)___ gedung perpustakaan.Dari pilihan kata di kotak, kata yang paling sesuai adalah "memindahkan" ( relocate ). Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas literasi siswa, sekolah kami akan memindahkangedung perpustakaan. (in order to increase sudents' literacy activities, our school is going to relocate the library building) Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk no 2adalah relocate

Pada soal ini anda diminta untuk lengkapi kalimat yang rumpang dengan kata benda dalam kotak. Pada no 2. kalimat :  In order to increase students' literacy astivities, our school is going to (2)      the library building. Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas literasi siswa, sekolah kami akan (2)___ gedung perpustakaan. Dari pilihan kata di kotak, kata yang paling sesuai adalah "memindahkan" (relocate).  Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas literasi siswa, sekolah kami akan memindahkan gedung perpustakaan.  (in order to increase sudents' literacy activities, our school is going to relocate the library building)

Jadi jawaban yang tepat untuk no 2 adalah relocate

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Read this campaign poster and answer the questions. Questions: Why should we vote for the girl?



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