


Complete the paragraph below by filling in the blanks with correct words which you can choose from the box below. There was a lordly eagle, arrayed in a robe of (3) ______. A peacock had a tail of shimmering blue and green. A crow's black coat (4) ______ in the sun with a kind steely radiance. A canary was as yellow as a buttercup, a jay had a spot of blue sky either wing, even a humble sparrow wore a handsome black neck-tie, and the cock was resplendent in yellow, black, and red. All the birds were proud of their (5) ________ and gazed at their reflections in the water to admire their beauties. A crow's black coat (4) ______ in the sun with a kind steely radiance.

Complete the paragraph below by filling in the blanks with correct words which you can choose from the box below.

There was a lordly eagle, arrayed in a robe of (3) ______. A peacock had a tail of shimmering blue and green. A crow's black coat (4) ______ in the sun with a kind steely radiance. A canary was as yellow as a buttercup, a jay had a spot of blue sky either wing, even a humble sparrow wore a handsome black neck-tie, and the cock was resplendent in yellow, black, and red. All the birds were proud of their (5) ________ and gazed at their reflections in the water to admire their beauties.

A crow's black coat (4) ______ in the sun with a kind steely radiance.


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah shone .

jawaban yang tepat adalah shone. undefined



Kalimat rumpang nomor 4 membutuhkan kata kerja. "A crow's black coat _____ in the sun with a kind steely radiance" berarti "bulu hitam burung gagak _____ di bawah sinar matahari seperti pancaran baja". Kata yang tepat digunakan adalah "shone" yang merupakan kata bentuk lampau dari "shine" yang berarti "bersinar". Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah shone .

Kalimat rumpang nomor 4 membutuhkan kata kerja. "A crow's black coat _____ in the sun with a kind steely radiance" berarti "bulu hitam burung gagak _____ di bawah sinar matahari seperti pancaran baja". Kata yang tepat digunakan adalah "shone" yang merupakan kata bentuk lampau dari "shine" yang berarti "bersinar".

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah shone. undefined

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Pertanyaan serupa

Practice 14 Work with your partner. Find the Indonesian translations for these words and spell them out. Use a dictionary to help you. loose (adj)



Jawaban terverifikasi


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