


Complete the following text is for number 1 to 5. Rio really likes reading books. He has a (1) ___library in his house. There are some wide bookshelves in the library. The bookshelves are full with thin and (2) ___books. He likes reading many kinds of books. But his favourite are historical books. He likes historical books because the stories are exciting and sometimes they are scary too. He likes to (3) ___his space time in his library. The library is in the back of his house. It is (4) ___his mother's garden. From his library window, he can see the (5) ___view of the garden.

Complete the following text is for number 1 to 5.

Rio really likes reading books. He has a (1) ___ library in his house. There are some wide bookshelves in the library. The bookshelves are full with thin and (2) ___ books. He likes reading many kinds of books. But his favourite are historical books. He likes historical books because the stories are exciting and sometimes they are scary too. He likes to (3) ___ his space time in his library. The library is in the back of his house. It is (4) ___ his mother's garden. From his library window, he can see the (5) ___ view of the garden.

  1. smaller

  2. smallest

  3. small

  4. smalling

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A. Mulyanto

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni IKIP PGRI Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

jawaban yang tepat adalah C.


Teks rumpang ini harus dilengkapi dengan kata yang tepat. Teks ini adalah teks Descriptive . Dalam soalini hanya bagian rumpang nomor 1 yang ditanyakan. Bagian rumpang 1 berarti Rio memiliki ___ perpustakaan di rumahnya. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah small (kecil) yang merupakan kata sifat yang menunjukkan ukuran ( Adjective showing size .) Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

Teks rumpang ini harus dilengkapi dengan kata yang tepat. Teks ini adalah teks Descriptive. Dalam soal ini hanya bagian rumpang nomor 1 yang ditanyakan. Bagian rumpang 1 berarti Rio memiliki ___ perpustakaan di rumahnya. Kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah small (kecil) yang merupakan kata sifat yang menunjukkan ukuran (Adjective showing size.)

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah C.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Arrange these words to form a noun phrase! 1. bird 2. beautiful 3. The 4. red 5. big



Jawaban terverifikasi


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