

Practice the following dialog with your friend.

Edo: Kinar, did the OSIS members hold a meeting to discuss the Earth Day commemoration?

Kinar: Yes, we did.

Edo: That's great! What events will we have?

Kinar: There are a cleanest class competition, a working bee to clean the school environment, and a recycled items competition.

Edo: That will be interesting. Those activities will make our school clean and reduce trash.

Kinar: Yeah! We hold those activities to raise awareness of having·a clean environment.

Edo: I also hope that we can keep our school and enviro0ment clean, free of trash. 

Kinar: I hope so.

Complete the following sentences with 'will', 'be going to', 'in order to', or 'so that' based on the dialog in Activity 5. Then, read the sentences aloud. The Earth Day celebration at school will raise the students' awareness towards tbe environment ____ they can keep the environment clean.

Complete the following sentences with 'will', 'be going to', 'in order to', or 'so that' based on the dialog in Activity 5. Then, read the sentences aloud.

The Earth Day celebration at school will raise the students' awareness towards tbe environment ____ they can keep the environment clean.

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

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jawaban yang tepat untuk soal adalah "so that".

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal adalah "so that".



Soal meminta untuk mengisi bagian rumpang pada kalimat berdasarkan text dengan kata will, be going to, in order to, so that. Terjemahan pada soal "Perayaan Hari Bumi di sekolah akan meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap lingkungan ____ mereka dapat menjaga lingkungan tetap bersih". Dari terjemahan diatas, kata yang tepat digunakan adalah "sehingga" atau so that. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal adalah "so that".

Soal meminta untuk mengisi bagian rumpang pada kalimat berdasarkan text dengan kata will, be going to, in order to, so that.

Terjemahan pada soal "Perayaan Hari Bumi di sekolah akan meningkatkan kesadaran siswa terhadap lingkungan ____ mereka dapat menjaga lingkungan tetap bersih".

Dari terjemahan diatas, kata yang tepat digunakan adalah "sehingga" atau so that.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal adalah "so that".

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Complete the following sentences with 'will', 'be going to', 'in order to', or 'so that' based on the dialog in Activity 5. Then, read the sentences aloud. There will be a cleanest class competiti...



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