
Complete the following dialogues with suitable words! Situation: Hanna and Endah are (1) ____ lunch in a cafe near their school. Hanna: I really like this strawberry milkshake. It's sweet and fresh. What do you (2) ____ the strawberry milkshake? Endah: I think it's too sweet. They give too much (3) ____ and milk so I can't taste the strawberry. Hanna: But I think the taste is nice. (4) ____ because I like sweet taste. Endah: Let's try the beef steak! What is your (5) ____ about this beef steak? Hanna: In my oppinion, the beef is tender and (6) ____. Do you think it's delicious? Endah: Well, (7) ____ it's nice. I like the taste. It's so rich of spices. Hanna: That's right the taste is nice but I think the (8) ____ are not complete. Endah: Yes. There are only potato, carrot, and bean. Hanna: There should be tomato and lettuce. Endah: Perhaps they don't (9) ____ this beef steak with tomato and lettuce. Hanna: Maybe. Well, let's (10) ____ our lunch, shall we? Endah: Okay.

Complete the following dialogues with suitable words!

Situation: Hanna and Endah are (1) ____ lunch in a cafe near their school.

Hanna: I really like this strawberry milkshake. It's sweet and fresh. What do you (2) ____ the strawberry milkshake?

Endah: I think it's too sweet. They give too much (3) ____ and milk so I can't taste the strawberry.

Hanna: But I think the taste is nice. (4) ____ because I like sweet taste.

Endah: Let's try the beef steak! What is your (5) ____ about this beef steak?

Hanna: In my oppinion, the beef is tender and (6) ____. Do you think it's delicious?

Endah: Well, (7) ____ it's nice. I like the taste. It's so rich of spices.

Hanna: That's right the taste is nice but I think the (8) ____ are not complete.

Endah: Yes. There are only potato, carrot, and bean.

Hanna: There should be tomato and lettuce.

Endah: Perhaps they don't (9) ____ this beef steak with tomato and lettuce.

Hanna: Maybe. Well, let's (10) ____ our lunch, shall we?

Endah: Okay.

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D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang sesuai adalah (1) having , (2) think of , (3) sugar , (4) Maybe , (5) opinion , (6) tasty , (7) I think , (8) vegetables , (9) serve , dan (10) finish .

jawaban yang sesuai adalah (1) having, (2) think of, (3) sugar, (4) Maybe, (5) opinion, (6) tasty, (7) I think, (8) vegetables, (9) serve, dan (10) finish.


Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah melengkapi dialog dengan kata yang sesuai. Situasi pada dialog yaitu Hanna dan Endah sedang makan siang di kafe dekat sekolah. Mereka saling memberikan opini mengenai menu yang dipesan. Dialog yang sesuai yaitu: (1) Hanna and Endah are having lunch in a cafe near their school. (Hanna dan Endah sedang makan siang di sebuah kafe dekat sekolah.) (2) What do you think of the strawberry milkshake? (Apa pendapatmu tentang milkshake stroberi ini?) (3) They give too much sugar and milk so I can't taste the strawberry. (Mereka memberi terlalu banyak gula dan susu jadi aku tidak bisa merasakan stroberinya.) (4) Maybe because I like sweet taste. ( Mungkin karena aku suka rasa manis.) (5) What is your opinion about this beef steak? (Apa pendapatmu tentang steak daging sapi ini?) (6) In my opinion, the beef is tender and tasty . (Menurut pendapatku, steak daging sapi ini sangat lembut dan lezat .) (7) Well, I think it's nice. (Ya, aku rasa ini enak.) (8) That's right the taste is nice but I think the vegetables are not complete. (Benar rasanya enak tapi aku pikir sayurannya tidak lengkap.) (9) Perhaps they don't serve this beef steak with tomato and lettuce. (Mungkin mereka tidak menyajikan steak daging sapi dengan tomat dan selada.) (10) Maybe. Well, let's finish our lunch, shall we? (Mungkin. Baiklah, mari kita selesaikan makan siang kita.) Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai adalah (1) having , (2) think of , (3) sugar , (4) Maybe , (5) opinion , (6) tasty , (7) I think , (8) vegetables , (9) serve , dan (10) finish .

Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah melengkapi dialog dengan kata yang sesuai. Situasi pada dialog yaitu Hanna dan Endah sedang makan siang di kafe dekat sekolah. Mereka saling memberikan opini mengenai menu yang dipesan. Dialog yang sesuai yaitu:

(1) Hanna and Endah are having lunch in a cafe near their school. (Hanna dan Endah sedang makan siang di sebuah kafe dekat sekolah.)

(2) What do you think of the strawberry milkshake? (Apa pendapatmu tentang milkshake stroberi ini?)

(3) They give too much sugar and milk so I can't taste the strawberry. (Mereka memberi terlalu banyak gula dan susu jadi aku tidak bisa merasakan stroberinya.)

(4) Maybe because I like sweet taste. (Mungkin karena aku suka rasa manis.)

(5) What is your opinion about this beef steak? (Apa pendapatmu tentang steak daging sapi ini?)

(6) In my opinion, the beef is tender and tasty(Menurut pendapatku, steak daging sapi ini sangat lembut dan lezat.)

(7) Well, I think it's nice. (Ya, aku rasa ini enak.)

(8) That's right the taste is nice but I think the vegetables are not complete. (Benar rasanya enak tapi aku pikir sayurannya tidak lengkap.)

(9) Perhaps they don't serve this beef steak with tomato and lettuce. (Mungkin mereka tidak menyajikan steak daging sapi dengan tomat dan selada.)

(10) Maybe. Well, let's finish our lunch, shall we? (Mungkin. Baiklah, mari kita selesaikan makan siang kita.)

Jadi, jawaban yang sesuai adalah (1) having, (2) think of, (3) sugar, (4) Maybe, (5) opinion, (6) tasty, (7) I think, (8) vegetables, (9) serve, dan (10) finish.

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