


Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with yourpartner. Ruben: Anita, why do you look so miserable? Anita: I’ve just read the news about Heath Ledger. It states that he passed away. Ruben: 1) ____. Anita: It’s okay. Ruben: You must be very sad. Anita: Yes, he’s one of my favourite actors. He was a good actor. I have watched all his movies and I love them all. Ruben: 2) ____? Anita: The police still investigate this case. He might have died of overdose. Ruben: 3) ____? Anita: He was found lying in his bed with some pills beside him. The police have notmade any conclusion yet. Ruben: I hope they’ll get the cause soon. Anita: 4) ____. Ledger’s family called his death very tragic, untimely and accidental. Ruben: I’m sure his fans feel the great loss of him. Anita: Heath was a down-to-earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving, unselfish individual extremely inspirational to many.

Complete the following dialogue with the expressions in the box. Then, perform it with your partner.

Ruben: Anita, why do you look so miserable?

Anita: I’ve just read the news about Heath Ledger. It states that he passed away.

Ruben: 1) ____.

Anita: It’s okay.

Ruben: You must be very sad.

Anita: Yes, he’s one of my favourite actors. He was a good actor. I have watched all his movies and I love them all.

Ruben: 2) ____?

Anita: The police still investigate this case. He might have died of overdose.

Ruben: 3) ____?

Anita: He was found lying in his bed with some pills beside him. The police have not made any conclusion yet.

Ruben: I hope they’ll get the cause soon.

Anita: 4) ____. Ledger’s family called his death very tragic, untimely and accidental.

Ruben: I’m sure his fans feel the great loss of him.

Anita: Heath was a down-to-earth, generous, kind-hearted, life-loving, unselfish individual extremely inspirational to many.


D. Yaniar

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah " I hope so."

jawaban yang tepat adalah "I hope so."



Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 4 . Kalimat atau ungkapanyang tepat untuk dialog Anita adalah " I hope so. (Aku harap begitu.) " karena pada dialog RUben sebelumnya, Ruben berkata, " I hope they’ll get the cause soon. (Aku harap mereka segera mengetahui penyebabnya.)" Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah " I hope so."

Kita akan membahas bagian rumpang nomor 4. Kalimat atau ungkapan yang tepat untuk dialog Anita adalah "I hope so. (Aku harap begitu.)" karena pada dialog RUben sebelumnya, Ruben berkata, "I hope they’ll get the cause soon. (Aku harap mereka segera mengetahui penyebabnya.)"

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah "I hope so."

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

Arman hopes that uncle will stay longer in the hospital.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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