


Complete the dialogues using passive forms of the verbs. Read the model. A: Has anyone repaired the dishwasher? B: Yes, it has just been repaired. (just - repair) A: Have you thrown those old love letters away? B: I don't remember but they (should - not - throw away) in my opinion.

Complete the dialogues using passive forms of the verbs. Read the model.

A: Has anyone repaired the dishwasher?
B: Yes, it has just been repaired. (just - repair)

A: Have you thrown those old love letters away?
B: I don't remember but they      (should - not - throw away) in my opinion.


A. Acfreelance

Master Teacher

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Dari dialog, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tense yang digunakan adalah Present Perfect Tense terlihat dari adanya to be "have" diikuti dengan V3 "thrown" . Dalam passive voice , Present Perfect Tense dengan modals akan berpola: O + modal/modalnot + been + V3 Berdasarkan pola di atas, dialog bisa dilengkapi dengan "I don't remember but they should not been thrown away in my opinion."

Dari dialog, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tense yang digunakan adalah Present Perfect Tense terlihat dari adanya to be "have" diikuti dengan V3 "thrown".

Dalam passive voicePresent Perfect Tense dengan modals akan berpola:

O + modal/modal not + been + V3 

Berdasarkan pola di atas, dialog bisa dilengkapi dengan "I don't remember but they should not been thrown away in my opinion."


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Put the following sentence into the passive voice. Someone has stolen my car.



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