


Read this dialogue then match the word in column A with the sentence in column B!

Dedi: What kind of pet do you have?

Tegar: I have a Parrot. I love parrot.

Dedi: Wow! Parrot! I like that pet much more than others. What does it look like?

Tegar: The color is green in its body, combines with red in the neck and yellow in the head. Do you have bird too?

Dedi: Yes, I have. I have a parrot, too. The color is green combined with yellow. It's white in the head. Besides a parrot, I have an owl too. Maybe owl looks scary but sometime it looks cute.

Tegar: Wow, can I see your owl sometime? What color is it?

Dedi: Sure. It is dark brown combines with white. Its beak is sharp so as its eyes.

Column A a. Dedi's Parrot b. Tegar's Parrot c. Dedi's Owl Column B Green combines with red and yellow head. Dark brown combines with white. Green combines with yellow and white head.

Column A

a. Dedi's Parrot
b. Tegar's Parrot
c. Dedi's Owl

Column B

  • Green combines with red and yellow head.
  • Dark brown combines with white.
  • Green combines with yellow and white head.


B. Atlaliust

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Medan

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah:

jawaban yang tepat adalah:



Soal ini meminta kita mencocokkan informasi berdasarkan dialog antara Dedi dan Tegar. Untuk soal a, pada baris 5Burung Kakak Tua milik Dedi dideskripsikan: " The color is green combined with yellow. " Sehingga: " Dedi's Parrot " cocok dengan " Green combines with yellow and white head. " Untuk soal b, pada baris 4Burung Kakak Tua milik Tegardideskripsikan: " The color is green in its body, combines with red in the neck and yellow in the head. " Sehingga: " Tegar's Parrot " cocok dengan " Green combines with red and yellow head. " Untuk soal c, pada baris 7Burung Hantumilik Dedi dideskripsikan: " It is dark brown combines with white. " Sehingga: " Dedi's Owl " cocok dengan " Dark brown combines with white. " Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah: " Dedi's Parrot " -- " Green combines with yellow and white head. " " Tegar's Parrot " -- " Green combines with red and yellow head. " " Dedi's Owl " -- " Dark brown combines with white. "

Soal ini meminta kita mencocokkan informasi berdasarkan dialog antara Dedi dan Tegar.

Untuk soal a, pada baris 5 Burung Kakak Tua milik Dedi dideskripsikan: "The color is green combined with yellow." Sehingga: "Dedi's Parrot" cocok dengan "Green combines with yellow and white head."

Untuk soal b, pada baris 4 Burung Kakak Tua milik Tegar dideskripsikan: "The color is green in its body, combines with red in the neck and yellow in the head." Sehingga: "Tegar's Parrot" cocok dengan "Green combines with red and yellow head."

Untuk soal c, pada baris 7 Burung Hantu milik Dedi dideskripsikan: "It is dark brown combines with white." Sehingga: "Dedi's Owl" cocok dengan "Dark brown combines with white."

Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang tepat adalah:

  • "Dedi's Parrot" -- "Green combines with yellow and white head."
  • "Tegar's Parrot" -- "Green combines with red and yellow head."
  • "Dedi's Owl" -- "Dark brown combines with white."

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