

Choose the correct verbs. The Indonesian archipelago is the largest archipelago in the world. It (1) has/have 18,306 islands. These islands (2) stretches/stretch from Sabang to Merauke, but people only (3) lives/live on 922 islands. Indonesia (4) has/have about 300 ethnic groups. In Java, for example, there are the Javanese, Sundanese, Bantenese, Betawi, Baduy, Tengger, and Osing. In Sumatera, there are Malays, Minangkabau, Batak, Acehnese, Lampung, and Kubu. Indonesians formally (5) speaks/speak Indonesian, but they also (6) speaks/speak other languages. There are 719 languages in Indonesia. About 75 of those languages are dying and need our effort to keep them alive. Indonesia is also famous for its flora and fauna. Around 28,000 species of flowering plants (7) grows/grow in Indonesia. Those plants (8) gives/give us food, cloth, shelters, and medicines. The fauna in Indonesia (9) includes/include hundreds of species of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. However, deforestation and pollution (10) puts/put those flora and fauna in danger. It is our responsibility to conserve the flora and fauna in Indonesia because our lives (11) depends/depend on them.

Choose the correct verbs.

    The Indonesian archipelago is the largest archipelago in the world. It (1) has/have 18,306 islands. These islands (2) stretches/stretch from Sabang to Merauke, but people only (3) lives/live on 922 islands. Indonesia (4) has/have about 300 ethnic groups. In Java, for example, there are the Javanese, Sundanese, Bantenese, Betawi, Baduy, Tengger, and Osing. In Sumatera, there are Malays, Minangkabau, Batak, Acehnese, Lampung, and Kubu. Indonesians formally (5) speaks/speak Indonesian, but they also (6) speaks/speak other languages. There are 719 languages in Indonesia. About 75 of those languages are dying and need our effort to keep them alive.

    Indonesia is also famous for its flora and fauna. Around 28,000 species of flowering plants (7) grows/grow in Indonesia. Those plants (8) gives/give us food, cloth, shelters, and medicines. The fauna in Indonesia (9) includes/include hundreds of species of mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. However, deforestation and pollution (10) puts/put those flora and fauna in danger. It is our responsibility to conserve the flora and fauna in Indonesia because our lives (11) depends/depend on them.

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah, (1) has , (2) stretch , (3) live , (4) has , (5) speak , (6) speak , (7) grow , (8) give , (9) include , (10) put , dan (11) depend .

jawaban yang benar adalah, (1) has, (2) stretch, (3) live, (4) has, (5) speak, (6) speak, (7) grow, (8) give, (9) include, (10) put, dan (11) depend.


Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah memilih penggunaan verb yang sesuai untuk membentuk kalimat yang benar. Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, perlu dipahami konsep penggunaan subject - verb agreement dalam Simple Present Tense sebagai berikut: Setelah memahami penggunaan subject-verb agreement , dapat diketahui jawaban yang benar untuk kalimat-kalimat soal sebagai berikut: (1) It has 18,306 islands. (2) These islands stretch from Sabang to Merauke , (3) but people only live on 922 islands. (4) Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups. (5) Indonesians formally speak Indonesian , (6) but they also speak other languages. (7) Around 28,000 species of flowering plants grow in Indonesia. (8) Those plants give us food, cloth, shelters, and medicines. (9) The fauna in Indonsia includes hundreds of species of mamals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. (10) However, deforestation and pollution put those flora and fauna in danger. (11) It is our responsibility to conserve the flora and fauna in Indonesia because our lives depend on them. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah, (1) has , (2) stretch , (3) live , (4) has , (5) speak , (6) speak , (7) grow , (8) give , (9) include , (10) put , dan (11) depend .

Perintah dari soal tersebut adalah memilih penggunaan verb yang sesuai untuk membentuk kalimat yang benar.

Untuk menjawab soal tersebut, perlu dipahami konsep penggunaan subject-verb agreement dalam Simple Present Tense sebagai berikut:

Setelah memahami penggunaan subject-verb agreement, dapat diketahui jawaban yang benar untuk kalimat-kalimat soal sebagai berikut:

(1) It has 18,306 islands.

(2) These islands stretch from Sabang to Merauke,

(3) but people only live on 922 islands.

(4) Indonesia has about 300 ethnic groups.

(5) Indonesians formally speak Indonesian,

(6) but they also speak other languages.

(7) Around 28,000 species of flowering plants grow in Indonesia.

(8) Those plants give us food, cloth, shelters, and medicines.

(9) The fauna in Indonsia includes hundreds of species of mamals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.

(10) However, deforestation and pollution put those flora and fauna in danger.

(11) It is our responsibility to conserve the flora and fauna in Indonesia because our lives depend on them.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah, (1) has, (2) stretch, (3) live, (4) has, (5) speak, (6) speak, (7) grow, (8) give, (9) include, (10) put, dan (11) depend.

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