


Choose the correct answer for number 2! Jesica : What do you think of these two dresses? Father : In my opinion, they are the same. Jesica : What do you mean? Father : The blue dress is (1) ____the red dress. Mother : I don’t think so. The blue dress is (2) ____ than the red one. Father : Look at that yellow one over there! Jesica : It is (3)____ beautiful dress I have ever seen! Mother : Agree! This yellow one is very(4) ____. Jesica : Let’s buy this one!

Choose the correct answer for number 2!

Jesica  : What do you think of these two dresses?

Father  : In my opinion, they are the same.

Jesica  : What do you mean?

Father  : The blue dress is (1) ____the red dress.

Mother : I don’t think so. The blue dress is (2) ____ than the red one.

Father  : Look at that yellow one over there!

Jesica  : It is (3)____ beautiful dress I have ever seen!

Mother : Agree! This yellow one is very(4) ____.

Jesica  : Let’s buy this one!  

  1. good 

  2. better 

  3. gooder 

  4. the best 

  5. the goodest 


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi



Terdapat kata ‘than’ artinya kalimat ini merupakan perbandingan antara dua hal sehingga termasuk comparative degree yang berpola : Noun (subject) + to be + (comparative) adjective + than + Noun Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki bentuk comparative adjective yang benar adalah B.

Terdapat kata ‘than’ artinya kalimat ini merupakan perbandingan antara dua hal sehingga termasuk comparative degree yang berpola :
Noun (subject) + to be + (comparative) adjective + than + Noun

Pilihan jawaban yang memiliki bentuk comparative adjective yang benar adalah B.


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The correct form of adjectives to complete the table above are …



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