
Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B,C, D, or E! This text is for questions 7 to 10. The Use of the Function Button MENU key Press MENU button, indicator light will show the function chosen, after selection, you have to press the START button then function starts. START key Press START button, 'indicator light will turn to shine from twinkle, indicate to enter the working state, at the same time also means confirmation for your function selection, heating starts. KEEP WARM/OFF key After working finish, it would automatically turn into the insulating state, indicatinglight shines. If in the working state, press the "nutritional insulation/off" button to enter the standby state. One more to enter the insulation state. HRS, MIN key Adjust time with "Hour" "Minute" key. With the increasing or decreasing way, Circulation display. Circulation increasing if pressing for long time. TIMER key Presettime is the working completing time. Function .with preset: Standard cooking, Super-quick cooking, Refined cooking, Congee, Porridge/Soup, Steamer, Minor cereals. Function without preset: Cold rice heating. T aken from: " Adjust time with "Hour'' "Minute" key." The underlined word has similar meaning to

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, D, or E!

This text is for questions 7 to 10.

The Use of the Function Button

  • MENU key

Press MENU button, indicator light will show the function chosen, after selection, you have to press the START button then function starts.

  • START key

Press START button, 'indicator light will turn to shine from twinkle, indicate to enter the working state, at the same time also means confirmation for your function selection, heating starts. 


After working finish, it would automatically turn into the insulating state, indicating light shines. If in the working state, press the "nutritional insulation/off" button to enter the standby state. One more to enter the insulation state.

  • HRS, MIN key

Adjust time with "Hour" "Minute" key. With the increasing or decreasing way, Circulation display. Circulation increasing if pressing for long time.

  • TIMER key

Presettime is the working completing time. Function .with preset: Standard cooking, Super-quick cooking, Refined cooking, Congee, Porridge/Soup, Steamer, Minor cereals. 
Function without preset: Cold rice heating.

Taken from:

"Adjust time with "Hour'' "Minute" key." The underlined word has similar meaning to

  1. arrange

  2. disorganize

  3. mix

  4. shape

  5. conform

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T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.


Kata Adjust artinya adalah menyesuaikan, yang diminta soal adalah mencari persamaan kata ( synonym ) dari kata tersebut. Arrange memiliki makna mengatur, disorganized memiliki makna tidak beraturan, mix memiliki makna menggabungkan, shape memiliki makna bentuk dan conform memiliki makna sesuai dengan. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

Kata Adjust artinya adalah menyesuaikan, yang diminta soal adalah mencari persamaan kata (synonym) dari kata tersebut. Arrange memiliki makna mengatur, disorganized memiliki makna tidak beraturan, mix memiliki makna menggabungkan, shape memiliki makna bentuk dan conform memiliki makna sesuai dengan.

Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah E.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B,C, D, or E! This text is for questions 7 to 10. The Use of the Function Button MENU key Press MENU button, indicator light will show the fun...



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