


Choose the best option. My name is Dani. I am a student in Semarang. My father, Yanto, is a taxi driver. My mother, Ani, is an employee in a cosmetic factory in the marketing department. My father takes me to school in his taxi every day. Sometimes, some of my friends go with me. I study hard at school. I joined the flaghoisting troop. I work hard to be the best in the troop because one day I want to raise the Indonesian flag in Merdeka Palace. Where do Dani and his family live?

Choose the best option.

My name is Dani. I am a student in Semarang. My father, Yanto, is a taxi driver. My mother, Ani, is an employee in a cosmetic factory in the marketing department. My father takes me to school in his taxi every day. Sometimes, some of my friends go with me. I study hard at school. I joined the flaghoisting troop. I work hard to be the best in the troop because one day I want to raise the Indonesian flag in Merdeka Palace.

Where do Dani and his family live?

  1. In the Merdeka Palace.

  2. In Semarang.

  3. In Jakarta.

  4. In Serang.


S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.



Pada teks disebutkan " I am a student in Semarang. " jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa Dani dan keluarganya tinggal di Semarang. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

Pada teks disebutkan "I am a student in Semarang." jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa Dani dan keluarganya tinggal di Semarang.

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

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Pertanyaan serupa

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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