
Choose the best option. Hi! My name is Santosa. I'm twelve years old. I'm a student at a junior high school in Parung, Bogor. My father's name is Sukarno and my mother's name is Anisah. I have two sisters. Ima is eight years old and Atiyah is only four. Ima is an elementary student and Atiyah is still in kindergarten. My parents own a fish farm. They have a large fish pond. The fish pond is always full of gouramis. I help them feed the fish in the morning and afternoon. The gouramis are fat. What is Santosa's mother's name?

Choose the best option.

Hi! My name is Santosa. I'm twelve years old. I'm a student at a junior high school in Parung, Bogor. My father's name is Sukarno and my mother's name is Anisah. I have two sisters. Ima is eight years old and Atiyah is only four. Ima is an elementary student and Atiyah is still in kindergarten. My parents own a fish farm. They have a large fish pond. The fish pond is always full of gouramis. I help them feed the fish in the morning and afternoon. The gouramis are fat.

What is Santosa's mother's name?

  1. Sukarno.

  2. Anisah.

  3. Atiyah.

  4. Ima.

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S. Sumiati

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.


Pada teks di atas disebutkan bahwa " My father's name is Sukarno and my mother's name is Anisah . " Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

Pada teks di atas disebutkan bahwa "My father's name is Sukarno and my mother's name is Anisah."

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah pilihan B.

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