


Situation: Five people are involved in a TV program called "Parents Speak Out". They are talking about the education system in Fantasia Island.

MODERATOR: Today's topic on "Parents Speak Out" is the education system in Fantasia Island. Why don't we just go around first and get your opinions. Angie, could we begin with you? What do you think of the education system in Fantasia Island?

ANGIE: Well, if you ask me, it's terrible. The education system in Fantasia Island is out of date. It doesn't make students improve their knowledge.

MODERATOR: So, that's what you think. Ryan, how do you feel?

RYAN: Well, in general, I agree with Angie. But what bothers me more is that they memorize without understanding the knowledge. The learning method puts the students under pressure. Students have to do homework, study at school for hours and sit in a boring class.

SUZAN: I think so, too. As far as I'm concerned, the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people.

MODERATOR: What about the teachers?

ANGIE: Yes, well, in my opinion, the quality of the teachers in Fantasia Island is very poor. They lack qualified teachers. This problem arises because the government doesn't pay attention to the teachers' standard of living. Therefore, many Fantasians are not interested in becoming a qualified teachers.

BOB: Oh, I don't know about that. I think they implement the British education system in Fantasia Island. The British education system is super.

SUZAN: Maybe, but the teachers in Fantasia Island put the British education system into practice with wrong teaching methods. They don't teach Fantasian students much about how to apply knowledge in practical situations.

Check your understanding. Answer these questions. Does Suzan add a new aspect? What is that?

Check your understanding. Answer these questions.

Does Suzan add a new aspect? What is that?


H. Qisthi

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah Yes, she does. Then, the new aspect isthe education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people .

jawaban yang tepat adalah Yes, she does. Then, the new aspect is  the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people.



Pertanyaan pada soal memiliki arti "Apakah Suzan menambahkan aspek baru? Apa itu?" Dalam percakapan tersebut, Suzan berkata "I think so, too. As far as I'm concerned, the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people ", dari pernyataan tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa setelah Suzan menyatakan setuju dengan pendapat itu, Suzan memberikan pernyataan tambahan sebagai aspek pendapatnya. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Yes, she does. Then, the new aspect isthe education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people .

Pertanyaan pada soal memiliki arti "Apakah Suzan menambahkan aspek baru? Apa itu?"

Dalam percakapan tersebut, Suzan berkata "I think so, too. As far as I'm concerned, the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people", dari pernyataan tersebut kita mengetahui bahwa setelah Suzan menyatakan setuju dengan pendapat itu, Suzan memberikan pernyataan tambahan sebagai aspek pendapatnya. 

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Yes, she does. Then, the new aspect is  the education fees in Fantasia Island are expensive. It seems to me that higher education is only for rich people.

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