


Change the sentences in number 3 into negative and interrogative forms. a.the-guard-museum-us-enter-the-allowed-to-security b.brought-children-the-storeroom-into-the-many-boxes c.new-bakery-were-people-in front of-queueing-the d.spooky-party-we-Halloween-the-wore-costumes-last-during e.meet-friend-I-lucky-to-my-old-strange-in-this-was-place-very

Change the sentences in number 3 into negative and interrogative forms.

a. the-guard-museum-us-enter-the-allowed-to-security

b. brought-children-the-storeroom-into-the-many-boxes

c. new-bakery-were-people-in front of-queueing-the

d. spooky-party-we-Halloween-the-wore-costumes-last-during

e. meet-friend-I-lucky-to-my-old-strange-in-this-was-place-very


F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar antara lain:

jawaban yang benar antara lain:



Untuk membentuk negative dan interrogative sentences dari kalimat di atas, rumus berikut dapat digunakan. Untuk Simple Past Tense , rumusnya yaitu: (-): S + did + not + V1 + .... (?): Did + S + V1 + .... Untuk Past Continuous Tense , gunakan rumus berikut. (-): S + to be + not + V-ing + .... (?): To be + S + V-ing + .... Jadi, jawaban yang benar antara lain: (-) The security did not allow us to enter the museum (?) Did the security guard allow us to enter the museum? (-) The children did not bring many boxes into the storeroom (?) Did the children bring many boxes into the storeroom? (-) People were not queueing in front of the new bakery (?) Were the people queueing in front of the new bakery? (-) We did not wear spooky costumes during the last Halloween party (?) Did we wear spooky costumes during the last Halloween party? (-) I was not lucky to meet my old friend in this very strange place (?) Was I luckyto meet my old friend in this very strange place?

Untuk membentuk negative dan interrogative sentences dari kalimat di atas, rumus berikut dapat digunakan. Untuk Simple Past Tense, rumusnya yaitu:

  • (-): S + did + not + V1 + ....
  • (?): Did + S + V1 + ....

Untuk Past Continuous Tense, gunakan rumus berikut.

  • (-): S + to be + not + V-ing + ....
  • (?): To be + S + V-ing + ....

Jadi, jawaban yang benar antara lain:

  • (-) The security did not allow us to enter the museum
  • (?) Did the security guard allow us to enter the museum?
  • (-) The children did not bring many boxes into the storeroom
  • (?) Did the children bring many boxes into the storeroom?
  • (-) People were not queueing in front of the new bakery
  • (?) Were the people queueing in front of the new bakery?
  • (-) We did not wear spooky costumes during the last Halloween party
  • (?) Did we wear spooky costumes during the last Halloween party?
  • (-) I was not lucky to meet my old friend in this very strange place
  • (?) Was I lucky to meet my old friend in this very strange place?

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Pertanyaan serupa

Change the sentences (-) and (?). (Ubahlah kalimatke negative dan interrogative) It was a beautiful day.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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