


Choose the correct answers.
Questions 11-15 are based on the following text.


    Lions belong to the Felidae family and they are the second biggest feline after tigers. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has declared them endangered animals.

    Lions live in groups in savannahs and grasslands. A group of lions usually has around 15 members to 30 members and it is called a pride. The members of a pride consist of lions, lionesses, and cubs.

    The cubs, or baby lions, usually weigh around 1,2 kg to 2 kg. Males cubs can grow up to 250 kg in weight, but the female cubs can only grow up to 185 kg. Moreover, an adult male lion can grow up to 330 cm in size while an adult female lion can only grow up to 270 cm. Though the lions and the lionesses are different in terms of weight and size, they are both muscular. Their muscular bodies help them hunt their preys which sometimes are bigger than them. Lions have a beautiful appearance with their round ears, broad heads, short necks, and long tails. Their tails are quite long, around 100 cm with a clump of black hairs at the tip. Their fur has a unique shade of silvery grey and light buff. It is easy to spot an adult male lion, due to their iconic mane which grows downward and backward, covering most of their heads and also their chest. The colour of a lion's mane is a shade of yellowish blackish brown.

By reading the second paragraph, we know that lions ....

By reading the second paragraph, we know that lions ....

  1. have short tails

  2. like to live in colonies

  3. hunt small animals only

  4. live near rivers or swamps


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B . like to live in colonies.

jawaban yang benar adalah B. like to live in colonies.




Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B. Soal menanyakan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf kedua. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, hal yang harus dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami teks yang tersedia. Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat pernyataan " Lions live in groups in savannahs and grasslands." yang artinya "Singa hidup berkelompok di sabana dan padang rumput." Pada pilihan jawaban, kata yang bermakna sama dengan hidup berkelompok adalah like to live in colonies yang artinyasuka hidup berkoloni. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B . like to live in colonies.

Jawaban dari soal ini adalah B.

Soal menanyakan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf kedua.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, hal yang harus dilakukan adalah membaca dan memahami teks yang tersedia.

Pada paragraf kedua, terdapat pernyataan " Lions live in groups in savannahs and grasslands." yang artinya "Singa hidup berkelompok di sabana dan padang rumput."

Pada pilihan jawaban, kata yang bermakna sama dengan hidup berkelompok adalah like to live in colonies yang artinya suka hidup berkoloni.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B. like to live in colonies.

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