


Read the following text to answer questions number 14-15

    Roy Hodgson has admitted he did not want his 40-year coaching career to end on the sour note of England’s humiliating defeat against Iceland at Euro 2016 after taking up the reins back at his first club, Crystal Palace, in the Premier League. The former national manager will oversee his first training session at Palace’s Beckenham training ground on Wednesday after signing a two-year contract to succeed Frank de Boer.

    The Dutchman was sacked this week after only 77 days and four top-flight games in charge, with all of those matches lost without a goal scored en route to leave Palace propping up the Premier League with a daunting run of fixtures ahead. Hodgson, whose first game in charge will be against Southampton on Saturday, had graduated through the youth team ranks at Palace, his local club, in the 1960s and has spoken of his pride at a homecoming. Yet he has also admitted the desire to erase memories of that defeat at Nice’s Allianz Riviera last June, which ended his four-year spell with the national team. […]undefined 

(The Guardian, 12 September 2017)

Before manage’s a Premier League club, Roy Hodgson manage ….

Before manage’s a Premier League club, Roy Hodgson manage …. 

  1. Another clubsundefined 

  2. Argentina clubsundefined 

  3. AC Milanundefined 

  4. England National Teamundefined 


M. Isnaeni

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Semarang

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah D.

jawaban yang benar adalah D.



Dalam teks terdapat kalimat " Roy Hodgson ... did not want his 40-year coaching career to end on the sour note of England’s humiliating defeat against Iceland ... The former national manager will oversee ... " yang sesuai dengan soal yang menanyakan tim yang dikelola Roy Hodgson sebelumnya. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

Dalam teks terdapat kalimat "Roy Hodgson ... did not want his 40-year coaching career to end on the sour note of England’s humiliating defeat against Iceland ... The former national manager will oversee ... " yang sesuai dengan soal yang menanyakan tim yang dikelola Roy Hodgson sebelumnya.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah D.

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the question from the text above How is elephant known?



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