


Question number 24-26 based on the passage below.

    Vitamin D deficiency is traditionally associated with bone and muscle weakness, but in recent years a number of studies have shown that low levels of the vitamin may predispose the body to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic blood vessel inflammation (associated with hardening of the arteries). It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes. In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers surveyed recent studies on the link between vitamin D deficiency and heart disease to come up with practical advice on screening and treatment. They concluded that vitamin D deficiency is much more common than previously thought, affecting up to half of adults and apparently healthy children in the U.S. Researchers say higher rates of vitamin D deficiency may be due in part to people spending more time indoors and efforts to minimize sun exposure through the use of sunscreens. Sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 blocks approximately 99% of vitamin D synthesis by the skin. "We are outside less than we used be, and older adults and people who are overweight or obese are less efficient at making vitamin D in response to sunlight," says O'Keefe. "A little bit of sunshine is a good thing, but the use of sunscreen to guard against skin cancer is important if you plan to be outside for more than 15 to 30 minutes of intense sunlight exposure."

Based on the passage the reason vitamin D deficiency can increase diabetes risk is ....

Based on the passage the reason vitamin D deficiency can increase diabetes risk is ....

  1. increasing level of the hormone insulin in the blood

  2. altered hormone levels to increase insulin resistance in the blood

  3. inhibited the synthesis of vitamin D by the skin

  4. the low level of the vitamin may hardening the arteries

  5. the amount of sun exposure on the skin


V. Ginting

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah B.

jawaban yang benar adalah B.



Jawaban soal yang benar adalah B. Soal ini menanyakan alasan mengapa defisiensi vitamin D dapat meningkatkan risiko diabetes. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada kalimat yang berbunyi " It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes . " Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Hal itu (defisiensi vitamin D) juga mengubah kadar hormon untuk meningkatkan resistensi insulin yang meningkatkan risiko diabetes ." Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah " altered hormone levels to increase insulin resistance in the blood " . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

Jawaban soal yang benar adalah B.

Soal ini menanyakan alasan mengapa defisiensi vitamin D dapat meningkatkan risiko diabetes.

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan pada kalimat yang berbunyi "It also alters hormone levels to increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes." Apabila diterjemahkan, kalimat tersebut berbunyi "Hal itu (defisiensi vitamin D) juga mengubah kadar hormon untuk meningkatkan resistensi insulin yang meningkatkan risiko diabetes."

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "altered hormone levels to increase insulin resistance in the blood".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah B.

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Pertanyaan serupa

The following statements are true based on the passage, except ...



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