


Based on the letter, correct the following statement.

Anisah is spending her holidays in Sape, West Nusa Tenggara. She wrote to her friend, Novy.

Dear Novy,

    Today is the sixth day of my 10-day visit in Sape. This village is starting to make me feel at home. I experienced a lot of during my visit. For example, yesterday, the village head (1) ____ (take) me to the district library.

    I thought it was going to be a boring visit and the library would be dull and full of uninteresting books. However, it (2) ____ (turn) out to be different. We (3) ____ (arrive) there early in the morning, when the weather was cool. Not many people were around, only the librarian and the library head. The library was nice, with colourful furniture. The reading corner was furnished with cosy stools and sofas.

    At about ten, a group of students (4) ____ (come) with a teacher. Their school (5) ____ (have) programmed regular visits to the library. The students then happily (6) ____ (roam) the library. After choosing the books they wanted to (7) ____ (borrow), the students went to the librarian's desk and (8) ____ (show) the books. The librarian (9) ____ (record) the books and (10) ____ (give) them some points. The visitors could redeem the points to get merchandises provided by the library. Wow!

    I was amazed that this small district had such a great program. I was ashamed for having thought that the visit would be boring. It's true that we shoould not judge the book by its cover.

    I'm coming home next week,but I believe I'm going to have more exciting experiences to share because we are heading to Komodo Island tomorrow. Wait for my next story.



Based on the letter, correct the following statements. The students came to the library in the evening.

Based on the letter, correct the following statements.

The students came to the library in the evening.


H. Qisthi

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indraprasta PGRI

Jawaban terverifikasi


pernyataan yang sesuai adalah The students did not come to the library in the evening.

pernyataan yang sesuai adalah The students did not come to the library in the evening.undefined 



Pada soal, bentuk kalimat termasuk dalam kalimat bentuk positif Simple Past Tense karena disesuaikan dengan cerita pada teks yang kejadiannya sudah terjadi di masa lampau. Pernyataan yang terdapat pada soal tidak sesuai dengan situasi yang terjadi di dalam cerita. Di dalam cerita menyatakan “ We arrived there early in the morning, when the weather was cool ” sedangkan dalam soal menyatakan “ The students came to the library in the evening ”. Untuk menggambarkan ketidaksesuaian pada pernyataan ini maka kalimat tersebut diubah ke dalam kalimat negatif Simple PastTense (S + did + not + V1) . Kata kerja dalam soal “ came ” merupakan dalam bentuk V2 , maka perlu diubah ke dalam bentuk V1 yaitu come . Jadi, pernyataan yang sesuai adalah The students did not come to the library in the evening.

Pada soal, bentuk kalimat termasuk dalam kalimat bentuk positif Simple Past Tense karena disesuaikan dengan cerita pada teks yang kejadiannya sudah terjadi di masa lampau.

Pernyataan yang terdapat pada soal tidak sesuai dengan situasi yang terjadi di dalam cerita. Di dalam cerita menyatakan “We arrived there early in the morning, when the weather was cool” sedangkan dalam soal menyatakan “The students came to the library in the evening”.

Untuk menggambarkan ketidaksesuaian pada pernyataan ini maka kalimat tersebut diubah ke dalam kalimat negatif Simple Past Tense (S + did + not + V1). Kata kerja dalam soal “came” merupakan dalam bentuk V2, maka perlu diubah ke dalam bentuk V1 yaitu come.

Jadi, pernyataan yang sesuai adalah The students did not come to the library in the evening.undefined 

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