


Read the following dialogues! Then answer the question!

Dialogue 1

Nina: Wow, your new house is beautiful.

Vicky: Thank you.

Nina: The living room is comfortable, too.

Vicky: Enjoy yourself here. I'll take a cup of tea for you!

Dialogue 2

Vera: Let's go to another place!

Anis: Why?

Vera: This park is dirty. There is no rubbish bin around here.

Anis: You're right. This park is shady, but it is messy!

Dialogue 3

Ferry: Do you know Arya's house?

Doni: Yes, I do. His house is huge.

Ferry: Is it near our school?

Doni: Yes, it is. It is not far from here. Just about 500 meters.

Ferry: Really?

Doni: Yes. I have gone there. The fence is red. There is a shady mango tree in front of his house.

Ferry: Is there a swimming pool beside the house?

Doni: Yes, there is.

Ferry: Let's go to his house after school!

Based on the first dialogue, what are the speakers talking about?

Based on the first dialogue, what are the speakers talking about?


D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and herliving room.

jawaban yang tepat adalah based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and her living room.




Soal di atas fokus pada dialog pertama dan menanyakan topik percakapandi antara Nina dan Vicky. Soal ini dapat dijawab dengan cukup membaca dialog pembuka bagian Nina, yaitu wow, your new house is beautiful yang artinya "wow, rumah barumu indah". Nina membuka topik pembicaraan tentang Vicky's new house "rumah baru Vicky. Lalu, Ninamelanjutkan topik obrolannya jadi ke salah satu ruangan yang ada di dalam rumah baru Vicky, yaitu living room "ruang tamu". Berdasarkan percakapan mereka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka sedang membahastentang rumah baruVicky dan ruang tamunya yang dalam bahasa Inggris dapat ditulis based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and her living room .. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and herliving room.

Soal di atas fokus pada dialog pertama dan menanyakan topik percakapan di antara Nina dan Vicky. Soal ini dapat dijawab dengan cukup membaca dialog pembuka bagian Nina, yaitu wow, your new house is beautiful yang artinya "wow, rumah barumu indah".

Nina membuka topik pembicaraan tentang Vicky's new house "rumah baru Vicky. Lalu, Nina melanjutkan topik obrolannya jadi ke salah satu ruangan yang ada di dalam rumah baru Vicky, yaitu living room "ruang tamu".  

Berdasarkan percakapan mereka, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka sedang membahas tentang rumah baru Vicky dan ruang tamunya yang dalam bahasa Inggris dapat ditulis based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and her living room..

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah based on the first dialogue, the speakers are talking about Vicky's new house and her living room.

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di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




Pertanyaan serupa

What are the speakers talking about?



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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