


Balok A (10 kg), B (6 kg), dan C (4 kg) terletak pada bidang datar kasar dengan koefisien gesek 0,2 dan dihubungkan dengan tali seperti gambar. C ditarik ke kanan dengan gaya 100 N. Tentukan percepatan sistem

Balok A (10 kg), B (6 kg), dan C (4 kg) terletak pada bidang datar kasar dengan koefisien gesek 0,2 dan dihubungkan dengan tali seperti gambar. C ditarik ke kanan dengan gaya 100 N. 

Tentukan percepatan sistem undefined  

  1. ...undefined 

  2. ...undefined 


S. Tutut

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Jawaban terverifikasi


percepatannya 3 m/s2

percepatannya 3 m/s2



Jadi, percepatannya 3 m/s2

straight m subscript straight A equals 10 space kg straight m subscript straight B equals 6 space kg straight m subscript straight C equals 4 space kg straight F space equals space 100 space straight N straight mu equals 0 comma 2  Pada space straight A colon sum for blank of straight F subscript yA equals 0 straight N subscript straight A minus straight w subscript straight A equals 0 straight N subscript straight A equals straight w subscript straight A equals straight m subscript straight A straight g equals 10 left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis space equals space 100 space straight N straight f subscript gA equals μN equals left parenthesis 0 comma 2 right parenthesis left parenthesis 100 right parenthesis equals 20 space straight N  Pada space straight B colon sum for blank of straight F subscript yB equals 0 straight N subscript straight B minus straight w subscript straight B equals 0 straight N subscript straight B equals straight w subscript straight B equals straight m subscript straight B straight g equals 6 left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis space equals space 60 space straight N straight f subscript gB equals μN equals left parenthesis 0 comma 2 right parenthesis left parenthesis 60 right parenthesis equals 12 space straight N  Pada space straight C colon sum for blank of straight F subscript yC equals 0 straight N subscript straight C minus straight w subscript straight C equals 0 straight N subscript straight C equals straight w subscript straight C equals straight m subscript straight C straight g equals 4 left parenthesis 10 right parenthesis space equals space 40 space straight N straight f subscript gC equals μN equals left parenthesis 0 comma 2 right parenthesis left parenthesis 40 right parenthesis equals 8 space straight N  sum for blank of straight F equals sum for blank of straight m cross times straight a straight F minus straight f subscript gA minus straight f subscript gB minus straight f subscript gC equals left parenthesis 10 plus 6 plus 4 right parenthesis straight a 100 minus 20 minus 12 minus 8 equals 20 straight a 20 straight a equals 60 straight a equals 3 space straight m divided by straight s squared

Jadi, percepatannya 3 m/s2

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