


B. Describe the objects In the following rooms.

B. Describe the objects In the following rooms.



D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang tepat adalah There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink.

jawaban yang tepat adalah There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink.



Soal memerintahkan untuk mendeskripsikan objek/benda yang ada diruangan pada gambar. Untuk mendeskripsikan gambar, prepositions of place bisa digunakan untuk menerangkan posisi objek yang ada di ruanganpada gambar. Ruangan yang tersedia pada gambar merupakan kitchen yang artinya dapur. Berikut contoh jawaban deskripsi dapur berdasarkan gambar: Ada beberapa benda di dapur, seperti kulkas, wastafel, lemari, kompor, meja makan dan jam dinding. Kulkas berada di sebelah kompor. Kompor berada di antara wastafel dan kulkas. Sedangkan meja makan berada di seberang kompor. Lemari dapat ditemukan di dekat wastafel. Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat tersebut menjadi "There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink." Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink.

Soal memerintahkan untuk mendeskripsikan objek/benda yang ada diruangan pada gambar.

Untuk mendeskripsikan gambar, prepositions of place bisa digunakan untuk menerangkan posisi objek yang ada di ruangan pada gambar. Ruangan yang tersedia pada gambar merupakan kitchen yang artinya dapur. Berikut contoh jawaban deskripsi dapur berdasarkan gambar:

Ada beberapa benda di dapur, seperti kulkas, wastafel, lemari, kompor, meja makan dan jam dinding. Kulkas berada di sebelah kompor. Kompor berada di antara wastafel dan kulkas. Sedangkan meja makan berada di seberang kompor. Lemari dapat ditemukan di dekat wastafel.

Dalam bahasa Inggris, kalimat tersebut menjadi "There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink."

Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah There are several objects at the kitchen, such as; fridge, sink, cabinet, stove, dining table, and clock. The fridge is beside the stove. The stove is between the sink and the fridge. Whereas the dining table is across from the stove. The cabinet can be found near the sink.

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