


ATTENTION Due to the fact that the next two days are national holidays of Christmas and followed by the first semester holiday; all students are requested to study at home during those days starting on tomorrow. School will begin on January 5 th , 2014. Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Principal. “Due to the fact …” (first line). The underlined pharse is similar in meaning to …


Due to the fact that the next two days are national holidays of Christmas and followed by the first semester holiday; all students are requested to study at home during those days starting on tomorrow. School will begin on January 5th, 2014.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday



“Due to the fact …” (first line).
The underlined pharse is similar in meaning to …

  1. the result of

  2. scheduled for

  3. as a consequence of

  4. in view of


M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi



Sinonim dari “ due to” adalah frasa “ in view of ” yang berarti “dikarenakan” maka jawaban (in view of) adalah jawaban yang tepat. Pilihan jawaban (the result of) dan (as a consequence of) mempunyai makna yang sama yaitu “akibat” sedangkan makna dari jawaban B adalah “dijadwalkan untuk”.

Sinonim dari “due to” adalah frasa “in view of” yang berarti “dikarenakan” maka jawaban (in view of) adalah jawaban yang tepat. Pilihan jawaban (the result of) dan (as a consequence of) mempunyai makna yang sama yaitu “akibat” sedangkan makna dari jawaban B adalah “dijadwalkan untuk”.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!




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