


ASSOCIATED PRESS/LONDON Ryan Lochte and Sun Yang were among the few who weren't concerned about getting wet when heavy rain saturated London Olympic Park on Sunday. After a week of sunshine, rain and the forecast of hail on the second day affected the start of tennis on the lawn courts at Wimbledon and made for slippery conditions in the women's cycling road race. It didn't get to bed until like 2 a.m. So I'm a little tired, but it was a prelim swim, so I'm not too worried about it," said Lochte, who went out with family and friends to celebrate his victory. Phelps won an unprecedented eight golds at the Beijing Olympics but now can't win any more than six in London. China's Sun is on track for a second gold medal after leading qualifiers in the 200 freestyle in 1 minute 46, 24 seconds the morning after his victory in the 400 freestyle. While the weather was bad, there were other blights: a female gymnast from Uzbekistan was provisionally suspended after failing a doping test, the second case of the games. The IOC says Luiza Galiulina tested positive for the diuretic furosemide on Wednesday. Which of the following games was most affected by the bad weather on Sunday?


Ryan Lochte and Sun Yang were among the few who weren't concerned about getting wet when heavy rain saturated London Olympic Park on Sunday.

After a week of sunshine, rain and the forecast of hail on the second day affected the start of tennis on the lawn courts at Wimbledon and made for slippery conditions in the women's cycling road race.

It didn't get to bed until like 2 a.m. So I'm a little tired, but it was a prelim swim, so I'm not too worried about it," said Lochte, who went out with family and friends to celebrate his victory. Phelps won an unprecedented eight golds at the Beijing Olympics but now can't win any more than six in London.

China's Sun is on track for a second gold medal after leading qualifiers in the 200 freestyle in 1 minute 46, 24 seconds the morning after his victory in the 400 freestyle. While the weather was bad, there were other blights: a female gymnast from Uzbekistan was provisionally suspended after failing a doping test, the second case of the games. The IOC says Luiza Galiulina tested positive for the diuretic furosemide on Wednesday.


Which of the following games was most affected by the bad weather on Sunday?

  1. Tennis on the lawn courts

  2. Swimming competition

  3. Women's running race

  4. All of the Olympic Games

  5. The gymnastics


T. Tuawapat

Master Teacher

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Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke-2, "... rain ... affected the start of tennis on the lawn courts at Wimbledon and made for slippery conditions on the women's cycling road race.", dapat diketahui bahwa hujan dan salju lebat mengganggu olahraga tenis yang dilakukan di lapangan rumput dan juga balap sepeda wanita sehingga pilihan jawaban (A) adalah yang paling tepat.

Berdasarkan informasi yang terdapat pada paragraf ke-2, "... rain ... affected the start of tennis on the lawn courts at Wimbledon and made for slippery conditions on the women's cycling road race.", dapat diketahui bahwa hujan dan salju lebat mengganggu olahraga tenis yang dilakukan di lapangan rumput dan juga balap sepeda wanita sehingga pilihan jawaban (A) adalah yang paling tepat.

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