

Arrange the sentences below to form a good dialogue. Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it. OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession. Hmm .... Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview. Do you understand what I mean, Yogi? Actually I'm still confused. First, we are going to ask about his personal identity. Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges. Oh, sure. I've got it. Right. Then, we ask about many other things. Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project. Maya: 11) ____ Yogi: 12) ____ Maya: 13) ___ Yogi: 14) ____ Maya: 15) ____ Yogi: 16) ____ Maya: 17) ____ Yogi: 18) ____ Maya: 19) ____ Yogi: 20) ____

Arrange the sentences below to form a good dialogue.

  • Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it.
  • OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession.
  • Hmm ....
  • Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview.
  • Do you understand what I mean, Yogi?
  • Actually I'm still confused.
  • First, we are going to ask about his personal identity.
  • Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges.
  • Oh, sure. I've got it.
  • Right. Then, we ask about many other things.
  • Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project.

Maya: 11) ____

Yogi: 12) ____

Maya: 13) ___

Yogi: 14) ____

Maya: 15) ____ 

Yogi: 16) ____

Maya: 17) ____

Yogi: 18) ____

Maya: 19) ____

Yogi: 20) ____

8 dari 10 siswa nilainya naik

dengan paket belajar pilihan

Habis dalam










D. Danti

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah seperti terlihat pada urutan dialog di atas.

jawaban yang benar adalah seperti terlihat pada urutan dialog di atas.



Jawaban untuk soal iniadalah dapat dilihat pada penjelasan di bawah ini. Soal meminta untuk mengurutkan kalimat hingga menjadi sebuah dialog yang runtut. Agar mendapatkan dialog yang runtut, sebaiknya dicari terlebih dahulu makna dari tiap kalimat. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, berikut disajikan terjemahan dari tiap kalimat yang disebutkan pada soal: •Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it. = Ya, kamu benar, Maya. Mari kita membuatnya. • OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession. = OK. Jadi kita akan bertanya tentang nama, alamat, dan profesinya. • Hmm ____= Hmm ____. • Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview. = Nah, Yogi, aku pikir sudah waktunya bagi kita untuk membuat daftar pertanyaan yang akan kita tanyakan pada wawancara. • Do you understand what I mean, Yogi? = Apakah kamu mengerti maksudku, Yogi? • Actually I'm still confused. = Sesungguhnya aku masih bingung. • First, we are going to ask about his personal identity. = Pertama, kita akan bertanya tentang identitas pribadinya. • Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges. = Nah, kita akan bertanya tentang alasannya memilih profesinya, ketika ia memulai profesinya, dan tantangan. • Oh, sure. I've got it. = Oh, tentu. Aku sudah paham. • Right. Then, we ask about many other things. = Benar. Kemudian, kita bertanya tentang banyak hal lainnya. Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project. = Yogi dan Maya di perpustakaan. Mereka sedang mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Indonesia. Berdasarkan terjemahan kalimat - kalimat di atas, urutan yang benar dari dialog antara Lila dan gurunya adalah sebagai berikut: Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project. Maya: 11) Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview. Yogi: 12) Actually I'm still confused. Maya: 13) OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession. Yogi: 14) Hmm ____ Maya: 15) Do you understand what I mean, Yogi? Yogi: 16) Oh, sure. I've got it. Maya: 17) First, we are going to ask about his personal identity. Yogi: 18) Right. Then, we ask about many other things. Maya: 19) Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges. Yogi: 20) Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah seperti terlihat pada urutan dialog di atas.

Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah  dapat dilihat pada penjelasan di bawah ini.

Soal meminta untuk mengurutkan kalimat hingga menjadi sebuah dialog yang runtut.

Agar mendapatkan dialog yang runtut, sebaiknya dicari terlebih dahulu makna dari tiap kalimat. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, berikut disajikan terjemahan dari tiap kalimat yang disebutkan pada soal:

•Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it. = Ya, kamu benar, Maya. Mari kita membuatnya.

• OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession. = OK. Jadi kita akan bertanya tentang nama, alamat, dan profesinya.

• Hmm ____ = Hmm ____.

• Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview. = Nah, Yogi, aku pikir sudah waktunya bagi kita untuk membuat daftar pertanyaan yang akan kita tanyakan pada wawancara.

• Do you understand what I mean, Yogi? = Apakah kamu mengerti maksudku, Yogi?

• Actually I'm still confused. = Sesungguhnya aku masih bingung.

• First, we are going to ask about his personal identity. = Pertama, kita akan bertanya tentang identitas pribadinya.

• Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges. = Nah, kita akan bertanya tentang alasannya memilih profesinya, ketika ia memulai profesinya, dan tantangan.

• Oh, sure. I've got it. = Oh, tentu. Aku sudah paham.

• Right. Then, we ask about many other things. = Benar. Kemudian, kita bertanya tentang banyak hal lainnya.

Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project. =Yogi dan Maya di perpustakaan. Mereka sedang mengerjakan tugas Bahasa Indonesia.

Berdasarkan terjemahan kalimat - kalimat di atas, urutan yang benar dari dialog antara Lila dan gurunya adalah sebagai berikut:

Yogi and Maya are in the library. They are doing a Bahasa Indonesia project.

Maya:11) Well, Yogi, I think it is time for us to make the list of questions we are going to ask at the interview.

Yogi:12) Actually I'm still confused.

Maya:13) OK. So we are going to ask about his name, address, and profession.

Yogi:14) Hmm ____

Maya:15) Do you understand what I mean, Yogi?

Yogi:16) Oh, sure. I've got it.

Maya:17) First, we are going to ask about his personal identity.

Yogi:18) Right. Then, we ask about many other things.

Maya:19) Well, we are going to ask about his reason for choosing his profession, when he started his profession, and the challenges.

Yogi:20) Yes, you are right, Maya. Let's make it.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah seperti terlihat pada urutan dialog di atas.

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



Pertanyaan serupa

Respond to the expressions below. A: Are you following me, class? B: ____.



Jawaban terverifikasi


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