

ANSWER TRUE OR FALSE My name is Annie and this is what I normally do. I love to walk on the mountain. During the week I wake up early and go for a small walk on the mountain. I usually go with my father or my brother. We like to get some fresh air before we start our day. We live in the country far away from the city. We think that our country life is wonderful because we are away from the noise and pollution of the city. We often walk for about one-half hour and then return to our home. I always take my bus after our walk and at about 8:30 a.m. and arrive at at school at 9:00 a.m. My father takes his car and goes to town to work. He works at a veterinary clinic.He is a vet andloves to help animals. We have 3 dogs and two cats. On the week end we wake up early and go for a hike on the mountain. It is so nice to smell the fresh air and see the wild animals. We stay there for about three hours and bring our lunch with us. As you can see my family loves nature. Annie does not like the mountain


My name is Annie and this is what I normally do. I love to walk on the mountain. During the week I wake up early and go for a small walk on the mountain. I usually go with my father or my brother. We like to get some fresh air before we start our day. We live in the country far away from the city. We think that our country life is wonderful because we are away from the noise and pollution of the city. We often walk for about one-half hour and then return to our home. I always take my bus after our walk and at about 8:30 a.m. and arrive at at school at 9:00 a.m. My father takes his car and goes to town to work. He works at a veterinary clinic. He is a vet and loves to help animals. We have 3 dogs and two cats. 

On the week end we wake up early and go for a hike on the mountain. It is so nice to smell the fresh air and see the wild animals. We stay there for about three hours and bring our lunch with us. As you can see my family loves nature.


Annie does not like the mountain

  1. True

  2. False

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D. Enty

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pernyataan Annie does not like mountain merupakan pernyataan salah (False)

pernyataan Annie does not like mountain merupakan pernyataan salah (False)



Pada soal ini, kita diminta untuk menentukan apakah suatu statement ini benar atau salah berdasarkan teks cerita di atas. Soal ini meminta kita untuk menentukan apakah pernyataan "Annie tidak menyukai gunung" adalah benar atau salah. Dalam teks tersebut pada paragrafpertama, penulis menceritakan bahwa ia menyukai mendaki gunung. (I love to walk on the mountain). Jadi, pernyataan Annie does not like mountain merupakan pernyataan salah (False)

Pada soal ini, kita diminta untuk menentukan apakah suatu statement ini benar atau salah berdasarkan teks cerita di atas. Soal ini meminta kita untuk menentukan apakah pernyataan "Annie tidak menyukai gunung" adalah benar atau salah.

Dalam teks tersebut pada paragraf pertama, penulis menceritakan bahwa ia menyukai mendaki gunung. (I love to walk on the mountain).

Jadi, pernyataan Annie does not like mountain merupakan pernyataan salah (False)

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Pertanyaan serupa

ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS My name is Annie and this is what I normally do. I love to walk on the mountain. During the week I wake up early and go for a small walk on the mountain. I usually go with my...



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