
Read the following text carefully!

    My name is Ardian. I am a seventh grade student. I study at SMP Jaya. I always go to school every Monday to Friday. Besides studying at school, I have lots of activities to do every day.

    I always joins a Mathematics course on Mondays. After having the Mathematics, I still have an English course. I practise playing basketball with my team at school every Tuesday. I practise basketball only once a week. I have Mathematics and Physics course on Wednesdays. I also join a guitar course every Thursday. I like playing a guitar. That's why I join the course. I must join the Scouts at school every Friday. Saturday is my favourite day for I can read a comic strip after school. My parents sometimes take me to go out for dinner or to watch a film in a cinema. My parents and I usually visit my grandparents on Sundays.

Answer the questions according to the text! What does he do on Tuesdays?

Answer the questions according to the text!

What does he do on Tuesdays?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah "On Tuesdays he practises playing basketball with his team at school."

jawaban yang benar adalah "On Tuesdays he practises playing basketball with his team at school."



Soal menanyakan apa yang dilakukan Ardian setiap hari Selasa. Pada paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat "I practise playing basketball with my team at school every Tuesday " . Informasi tersebut menyebutkan bahwa setiap hari SelasaArdian berlatih basket bersama teman-teman satu timnya di sekolah. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "On Tuesdays he practises playing basketball with his team at school."

Soal menanyakan apa yang dilakukan Ardian setiap hari Selasa.

Pada paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat "I practise playing basketball with my team at school every Tuesday".

Informasi tersebut menyebutkan bahwa setiap hari Selasa Ardian berlatih basket bersama teman-teman satu timnya di sekolah.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "On Tuesdays he practises playing basketball with his team at school."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Answer the questions according to the text! Why does he join a guitar course?



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