

Answer the following questions clearly and correctly! Look at the caption below! Graduate students in archeology from the University of Pennsylvania reinforce a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde - a job that, might become more challenging if pollution from coal-based powerplants continues to increase. Based on the caption, explain the picture about who, what, and where!

Answer the following questions clearly and correctly!

Look at the caption below!

Graduate students in archeology from the University of Pennsylvania reinforce a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde - a job that, might become more challenging if pollution from coal-based powerplants continues to increase.

Based on the caption, explain the picture about who, what, and where!

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A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawabannya adalah, " The picture shows graduate students of University of Pennsylvania working on a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde National park"

jawabannya adalah, "The picture shows graduate students of University of Pennsylvania working on a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde National park"



Perhatikan gambar dan judulnya dengan cermat. Kemudian temukan informasi yang ditanyakan oleh soal, dan tuliskan menggunakan kata-katamu sendiri. Awali kalimat menggunakan kata-kata pembuka yang sesuai seperti; " The picture shows", "In the picture there is...", "The picture depicts" dan lain-lain. Jadi, jawabannya adalah, " The picture shows graduate students of University of Pennsylvania working on a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde National park"

Perhatikan gambar dan judulnya dengan cermat. Kemudian temukan informasi yang ditanyakan oleh soal, dan tuliskan menggunakan kata-katamu sendiri. Awali kalimat menggunakan kata-kata pembuka yang sesuai seperti; "The picture shows", "In the picture there is...", "The picture depicts" dan lain-lain.

Jadi, jawabannya adalah, "The picture shows graduate students of University of Pennsylvania working on a wall in the Spruce Tree House in Mesa Verde National park"

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