
Bondan is a hard-working employee. After working for three years, his director finally promotes him as new manager. His colleagues congratulate him.

Reyhan : Congratulations on becoming the new manager of the human development department. You really deserve it.

Bondan : Thank you, Reyhan. I'm nothing without your support.

Lala : Your hard work has been paid off, Bondan. Congratulations!

Bondan : Thanks, Lala.

Lala : What is your first plan as the new manager?

Bondan : Well, I think I will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company.

Reyhan : That is a good start. I think you may discuss your plan with the head of each department.

Bondan : You're right. It's already on my list. I will execute it soon.

Lala : It seems that our new manager will make a great leap for this company.

Reyhan : I think so.  

Bondan : I'm just becoming the best version of me as the new manager of the department.

Lala : That's good. Once again, congratulations on your promotion!

Bondan : We hope you can be a good manager. Thank you, everyone. I really need your cooperation to make our dreams come true.

Reyhan : You can count on us.

Bondan : Thanks, everyone.

Answer the following questions based the dialog. What will Bondan probably do after his promotion?

Answer the following questions based the dialog.

What will Bondan probably do after his promotion?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " He willstart with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company".

jawaban yang benar adalah "He will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company".



Soal ini menanyakan "Apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan Bondan setelah promosinya?" Bondan mengatakan hal yang akan dilakukan setelah promosinya dengan ucapan" Well, I think I will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company ."yang artinya "Yah, saya pikir saya akan mulai dengan mengevaluasi program-program sebelumnya. Yang tidak efisien harus diturunkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi di perusahaan ini." Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " He willstart with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company".

Soal ini menanyakan "Apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan Bondan setelah promosinya?"

Bondan mengatakan hal yang akan dilakukan setelah promosinya dengan ucapan "Well, I think I will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company." yang artinya "Yah, saya pikir saya akan mulai dengan mengevaluasi program-program sebelumnya. Yang tidak efisien harus diturunkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi di perusahaan ini."

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "He will start with evaluating previous programs. The inefficient ones should be taken down to increase efficiency in this company".

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Pertanyaan serupa

What does Rani say to congratulate Rere?



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