

Activity 8

Practice the following dialogs with your friend.

See the words in bold.


Raka: Where were you when the earthquake occurred last night?

Asti: I was completing my civics ansignment. You?

Raka: I was going out from the toilet when my father shouted. Thank God eyeryone was alright.

Asti: Yeah, me too. No one was hurt.


Lalla: Dika, sorry, I didn't answer your phone call this morning. I was feeding my chickens when you called.

Dika: Why didn't you call me back?

Lalla: I didn't have much time. I had to prepare myself. By the way, what was it about?

Dika: Forget it.


Yola: What happened to your father's arm?

Awan: While he was replacing an old bulb in the verandah, he fell.

Yola: Poor him. I hope he'll recover soon.

Awan: Thanks.

Yola: Why did you and your sister not help him?

Awan: We were doing house chores when he did it and we didn't know

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 8. Dialog 2 Where was Lalla when Dika called?

Answer the following questions based on the dialogs in Activity 8.

Dialog 2

Where was Lalla when Dika called?

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D. Putri

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " When Dika called, Lala was in the chicken coop."

jawaban yang benar adalah "When Dika called, Lala was in the chicken coop."


Soal ini menanyakan dimana Lala saat Dika menelepon. Terjemahan kalimat "Dika, sorry, I didn't answer your phone call this morning. I was feeding my chickens when you called." adalah"Dika, maaf, saya tidak menjawab teleponmu pagi ini. Saya sedang memberi makan ayam saya saat kamu menelepon." Kalimat tersebut menunjukan bahwa ketika Dika menelepon, Lala sedang memberi makan ayam. Maka, dapat diketahui bahwa ketika Dika menelepon,Lala sedang berada di kandang ayam. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " When Dika called, Lala was in the chicken coop."

Soal ini menanyakan dimana Lala saat Dika menelepon.

Terjemahan kalimat "Dika, sorry, I didn't answer your phone call this morning. I was feeding my chickens when you called." adalah "Dika, maaf, saya tidak menjawab teleponmu pagi ini. Saya sedang memberi makan ayam saya saat kamu menelepon."

Kalimat tersebut menunjukan bahwa ketika Dika menelepon, Lala sedang memberi makan ayam.

Maka, dapat diketahui bahwa ketika Dika menelepon, Lala sedang berada di kandang ayam.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "When Dika called, Lala was in the chicken coop."

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Pertanyaan serupa

Activity 10 Answer the following quoestions based on the dialogs inActivity 9. 3. Why do you think Yoko doesn't tell the purpose of calling Tiara?



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