
Host: O.K. now let's move on to question-and- answer session. l have several questions about you from our (1) ____ on social media. Are you ready?

Jackie: I am ready. Please.

Host: O.K. First question is ... do you practice the martlal aspects of kung fu? What is your daily (2) ____?

Jackie: I've practiced southern-style, northern-style. When I was young and crazy about martial arts, I studied hapkido, judo, boxing, all kinds. Now, my style is like chop suey-everything. Every day I'm doing CableFlex, light weights-no more than 20 pounds. I can't get too big. I have to (3) ____, so l can move. I do a·lot of jogging and quick walking. Quick walking for 20 minutes every day is the best. It's good for the heart and good for everything.

Host: I see. Next, which of your characters is most like Jackie Chan?

Jackie: The ones in Armour of God, Police Story. When I was (4) ____ myself, it was almost just like me. Everything from my life, I put into my movies.

Host: Then, if you could meet your hero, who would he or she be?

Jackie: Oh, there're so many. When I was young, there were Superman and Batman, but it's always firemen or policemen. That's why I always play a good policeman. People who (5) ____ have always been my heroes.

Host: What was the scariest stunt you've ever performed?

Jackie: Actually, all of the stunts are scary. I couldn't say which one was scariest. So many of them are things I don't do every day. I do punch-kicking every day, but jumping off a building, (6) ____, rolling under the car ... I don't do them every day. After I created myself as an (7) ____, they told me to jump from this building to that one. Okay, wow, I'll do it, but it's scary. I'm scared all the time, but I have to do it.

Host: I can understand your situation. Anyway, you are such a great (8) ____! Have you considered taking more dramatic roles?

Jackie: I would love for someone to come up to me with a script like Spy Game or Gladiator, where the (9) ____ is not that important. It's about the story, but nobody wants me to act the role. They want me in Rush Hour 3 or Shanghai Dawn. They never think of me for (10) ____. If Spy Game 2 comes around, they'll think of Robert De Niro, but they'd never think of me.

Host: Hahaha ... you're probably right. Well then, thank you so much for your time, Jackie. We hope for your more success in the future.

Jackie: You're welcome.

Adopted from: (September 28, 2019)

Answer the following questions based onthe dialog in number 1. d.In your opinion, why does Jackie feel scared whenever doing stunts?

Answer the following questions based on the dialog in number 1.

d. In your opinion, why does Jackie feel scared whenever doing stunts?

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F. Aulia

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Indonesia

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah " Jackie is always scared when doing stunts because it's not something that he do everyday ."

jawaban yang benar adalah "Jackie is always scared when doing stunts because it's not something that he do everyday."


Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di dialog kesepuluh yang mengatakan bahwa dia selalu takut saat melakukan atraksi apapun karena hal tersebut bukanlah hal yang dia lakukan tiap hari. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah " Jackie is always scared when doing stunts because it's not something that he do everyday ."

Jawaban dari pertanyaan tersebut dapat ditemukan di dialog kesepuluh yang mengatakan bahwa dia selalu takut saat melakukan atraksi apapun karena hal tersebut bukanlah hal yang dia lakukan tiap hari.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah "Jackie is always scared when doing stunts because it's not something that he do everyday."

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Pertanyaan serupa

When does the dialog occur?



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