

Listen to the following short conversations carefully.

In the morning at home

Son: Good morning, Dad!

Father: Good morning. How are you?

Son: I'm fine, Dad. Thank you.

Mother: Good morning, Sari. How are you?

Sari: Good morning, Mom. I'm fine. Thanks.

In the morning at school

Zacky: Good morning, Putri.

Putri: Good morning, Zacky. How are you?

Zacky: Fine, thank you.

Teacher: Good morning, Putri. How are you?

Putri: Good morning, Miss Nora. I'm fine, thank you.

Sari: Hi, good morning. How are you?

Ami: Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?

Sari: Fine, thank you.

Sari: Hi. Good morning. How are you?

Putri: Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks.

Answer the following questions based on the conversations above. 1. How do they greet each other in the morning? What are the responses?

Answer the following questions based on the conversations above.

1. How do they greet each other in the morning? What are the responses?

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N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah they use "Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning;Hi. Good morning. How are you?" to greet each other in the morning and "I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?;Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks." as the responses .

jawaban yang benar adalah they use "Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning; Hi. Good morning. How are you?" to greet each other in the morning and "I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?; Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks." as the responses.



Kalimat pertanyaan "How do they greet each other in the morning? What are the responses?" berarti "Bagaimana mereka saling menyapa di pagi hari? Bagaimana tanggapannya?". Bagaimana mereka saling menyapa di pagi hari? Berikut adalah beberapa salam yang digunakan untuk menyapa di pagi hari berdasarkan percakapan di atas: Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning;Hi. Good morning. How are you? Bagaimana tanggapannya? Berikut adalah beberapa tanggapan dari salam berdasarkan percakapan di atas: I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?;Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah they use "Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning;Hi. Good morning. How are you?" to greet each other in the morning and "I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?;Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks." as the responses .

Kalimat pertanyaan "How do they greet each other in the morning? What are the responses?" berarti "Bagaimana mereka saling menyapa di pagi hari? Bagaimana tanggapannya?".

  • Bagaimana mereka saling menyapa di pagi hari?

Berikut adalah beberapa salam yang digunakan untuk menyapa di pagi hari berdasarkan percakapan di atas:
Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning; Hi. Good morning. How are you?

  • Bagaimana tanggapannya?

Berikut adalah beberapa tanggapan dari salam berdasarkan percakapan di atas:
I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?; Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks.

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah they use "Good morning. How are you?; Good morning; Hi. Good morning; Hello. Good morning; Hi. Good morning. How are you?" to greet each other in the morning and "I'm fine, Dad. Thank you; Good morning Miss Nora; Hi. I'm fine. Thanks. And you?; Hello. Good morning, Sari. I'm fine, thanks." as the responses.

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Pertanyaan serupa

If someone says"Good morning!", you can reply __________



Jawaban terverifikasi


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