Kita diminta untuk membuat teks deskriptif (Descriptive Text) tentang kebiasaan/perilaku hewan dengan menggunakan kata sifat (adjectives).
Descriptive Text memiliki struktur umum (general structure), yaitu identification (pengenalan objek) dan description (deskripsi). Berikut contoh singkat teks deskriptif:
Milo is My Favorite Cat
I have a pet. His name is Milo. He is a Persian cat. This cat is given by my father as a gift of my birthday.
Milo is so cute. He has brown eyes. His fur and tail is so smooth. The colors of the fur is gray. I usually play her tail because of its cuteness. Milo always come to my bedroom and play with me. He always wags his tail for some signals such as hungry, satisfied, worry, etc. I really love Milo. Her habits and behaviors always make my day.
Adapun kata sifat dalam teks tersebut adalah kata-kata yang digaris bawahi, seperti : cute (lucu), smooth (halus/lembut), hungry (lapar), satisfied (puas), worry (cemas).
Dengan demikian, kamu bisa membuat contoh teks deskriptif lain sesuai dengan hewan peliharaanmu atau hewan yang kamu sukai dengan mengikuti struktur umum dari teks deskritif, yaitu identification dan description.
Jadi, jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "to write a descriptive text, you can follow the general structures of descriptive text, i.e. identification and description."