


Answer the following questionbased on the dialogs. Mawar: Are you alright, Figo? Figo: Yes, I’m. Thanks. Mawar: But I don't think you are O.K. I'd say that you lose your spirit and cheerfulness. Figo: Thanks for your concern. I only need to relax this time. Mawar: You can't lie to me. I've known you for a long time, so I know your character. You'd better tell me about your problem. I might know the solution. Figo: Mawar, don't push me. I'm fine. Mawar: Sorry. I don't want you to be sad. Figo: I'm fine. Mawar: Well, what if we play a guessing game? In my experience, it can boost our energy. Figo: If it's only two of us, it's not exciting. Mawar: O.K. I'll leave you alone. Bye! Figo: See you! Why does Mawarask Figo to play a guessing game?

Answer the following question based on the dialogs.

Mawar: Are you alright, Figo?

Figo: Yes, I’m.  Thanks.

Mawar: But I don't think you are O.K. I'd say that you lose your spirit and cheerfulness.

Figo: Thanks for your concern. I only need to relax this time.

Mawar: You can't lie to me. I've known you for a long time, so I know your character. You'd better tell me about your problem. I might know the solution.

Figo: Mawar, don't push me. I'm fine.

Mawar: Sorry. I don't want you to be sad.

Figo: I'm fine.

Mawar: Well, what if we play a guessing game? In my experience, it can boost our energy.

Figo: If it's only two of us, it's not exciting.

Mawar: O.K. I'll leave you alone. Bye!

Figo: See you!

Why does Mawar ask Figo to play a guessing game?space 

  1. ....undefined 

  2. ....undefined 


A. Lee

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah Mawar asks Figo to play a guessing game to boost his energy.

jawaban yang benar adalah  Mawar asks Figo to play a guessing game to boost his energy. space space 




Dalam dialog tersebut, Mawar mengajar Figo untuk bermain guessing game untuk meningkatkan suasana hati danenergi Figo. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah Mawar asks Figo to play a guessing game to boost his energy.

Dalam dialog tersebut, Mawar mengajar Figo untuk bermain guessing game untuk meningkatkan suasana hati dan energi Figo. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah  Mawar asks Figo to play a guessing game to boost his energy. space space 

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