
Announcement : Due to the acitivities of Admission Program Year 2013 School of Nursing and Medicine, Undip, it is officially announced to all new students that the activities of the admission program will be held on Monday and Tuesday, 22 to 23 August 2013. The first activity will take place in stadiums and GSD Undip Tembalang ( in front of Undip gas station) starting from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. While the second activity will be held in the building of PSIK FK UNDIP at the same time. Detailed information on these activities can be downloaded from this site. What is the announcement about ?

Announcement :

Due to the acitivities of Admission Program Year 2013 School of Nursing and Medicine, Undip, it is officially announced to all new students that the activities of the admission program will be held on Monday and Tuesday, 22 to 23 August 2013. The first activity will take place in stadiums and GSD Undip Tembalang ( in front of Undip gas station) starting from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. While the second activity will be held in the building of PSIK FK UNDIP at the same time. Detailed information on these activities can be downloaded from this site.

What is the announcement about ?


  1. The condition of all new students

  2. The program of nursing faculty

  3. The activities of admission program

  4. The change of new admission

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M. Ardini

Master Teacher

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan kalimat “… the activities of the admission program will be held on Monday and Tuesday…”, dapat diketahui bahwa kegiatan program penerimaan mahasiswa baru akan diadakan pada hari Senin dan Selasa, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (C).

Berdasarkan kalimat “… the activities of the admission program will be held on Monday and Tuesday…”, dapat diketahui bahwa kegiatan program penerimaan mahasiswa baru akan diadakan pada hari Senin dan Selasa, sehingga pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah (C).

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