

Alice : Sir, can you tell me where the GarudaAir check-in desk is? Officer : It might be quicker to turn right as soon as you get past the duty-freeshop, and keep going along the corridor until you come to the sliding doors at the end. On the left. Yep ...that's it. All the check-in counters are in a hall there. I'm pretty sure GarudaAir is directly to your left as you walk in the hall. Alice : Thank you, Sir Where is the GarudaAir Check-In desk?

Alice             : Sir, can you tell me where the GarudaAir check-in desk is?

Officer           : It might be quicker to turn right as soon as you get past the duty-free shop, and keep going along the corridor until you come to the sliding doors at the end. On the left. Yep ...that's it. All the check-in counters are in a hall there. I'm pretty sure GarudaAir is directly to your left as you walk in the hall.

Alice                : Thank you, Sir

Where is the GarudaAir Check-In desk?

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A. Mufida

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


Berdasarkan penjelasan petugas, arahnya adalah belok kanan setelah melewati toko serba ada ( turn right as soon as you get past the duty-free shop ), lalu jalan lurus sepanjang koridor hingga menemui pintu geser di ujung ( and keep going along the corridor until you come to the sliding doors at the end ) dan semua konter cek-in ada di hal sebelah kiri ( On the left. Yep ...that's it. All the check-in counters are in a hall there ) dan petugas yakin bahwa GarudaAir ada di sebelah kiri saat kita memasuki hall tersebut ( I'm pretty sure GarudaAir is directly to your left as you walk in the hall ).

Berdasarkan penjelasan petugas, arahnya adalah belok kanan setelah melewati toko serba ada (turn right as soon as you get past the duty-free shop), lalu jalan lurus sepanjang koridor hingga menemui pintu geser di ujung (and keep going along the corridor until you come to the sliding doors at the end) dan semua konter cek-in ada di hal sebelah kiri (On the left. Yep ...that's it. All the check-in counters are in a hall there) dan petugas yakin bahwa GarudaAir ada di sebelah kiri saat kita memasuki hall tersebut (I'm pretty sure GarudaAir is directly to your left as you walk in the hall).

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!



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Pertanyaan serupa

Look at this map From the Map above, My House is . . . The Hospital and The Stadium



Jawaban terverifikasi


Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.161, Manggarai Selatan, Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12860

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