


Question number 20-23 based on the passage below.

    As well as getting more sleep, those who go to bed early and wake up early will probably also have a better quality of sleep. The reason for this is that it means your sleep/wake cycle will be closer to the rising and setting of the sun. This will then mean that your 'internal pacemaker' (your natural body clock) is closer to the 'external zeitgebers' (the external cues that indicate what time it is). When the sun is out, our body detects this and produces less melatonin so that your sleep will not be as deep. In short then, the most restorative sleep is that which happens when it is darkest, which is usually from around 10-11 pm through to 5-6am. Furthermore, if you often wake up late, you are constantly rushing in the morning, then you will be getting your day off to about the worst start possible. This also means you are unlikely to get a proper breakfast, and probably going to forget something, which definitely means you are going to feel very stressed out and panicked. How about a huge shot of stress hormones to get you started? It is not a good idea for your back to rush first thing in the morning either- seeing as it will be softer and more easily injured when you first spring out of bed.

    On the other hand, imagine being able to get up one or two hours before you need to leave. That way you could make yourself a great breakfast, take a long hot shower, do some stretching or meditation and maybe watch the news while you iron. You will find that as a result, you turn up to work looking much better, feeling much better and performing much better. Waking up early can also be highly beneficial on the weekends as it means you get to be up during the quieter times of day when no people around. As a result, you will have a few quiet hours to watch your favourite show, to read the paper or a novel, or to work on a side-business.

    Studies show that a good night's sleep improves learning. Whether you're learning math, how to play the piano, how to perfect your golf swing, or how to drive a car, sleep helps enhance your learning and problem-solving skills. Sleep also helps you pay attention, make decisions, and be creative. Physical Health is often related to quality sleep. It plays an important role in your physical health. For example, sleep is involved in healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stroke. Besides that, sleep also helps maintain a healthy balance of the hormones that make you feel hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin). When you don't get enough sleep, your level of ghrelin goes up and your level of leptin goes down. This makes you feel hungrier when you're well rested.

After reading the passage, the reader most likely ...

After reading the passage, the reader most likely ...

  1. reduce their amount of sleep each day.

  2. consider about the positive effects of wake up early.

  3. maintain the sufficiency of their sleep each day.

  4. take minimum sleeping time in order to stay focused.

  5. take more attention to the health issue discussed in the passage.


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


jawaban yang benar adalah C.

jawaban yang benar adalah C.




Jawaban soal yang benar adalah C. Soal ini menanyakan apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan pembaca setelah membaca tekstersebut. Teks tersebut menjelaskan manfaat dari tidur cukup dan tidur lebih awal terhadap kesehatan tubuh dengan menjelaskan berbagai manfaat dari tidur cukup dan lebih awal. Dengan demikian, dapat diasumsikan bahwa setelah membaca teks tersebut, pembaca akan menjaga kecukupan tidur mereka setiap hari . Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benaradalah " maintain the sufficiency of their sleep each day " . Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

Jawaban soal yang benar adalah C.

Soal ini menanyakan apa yang mungkin akan dilakukan pembaca setelah membaca teks tersebut.

Teks tersebut menjelaskan manfaat dari tidur cukup dan tidur lebih awal terhadap kesehatan tubuh dengan menjelaskan berbagai manfaat dari tidur cukup dan lebih awal. Dengan demikian, dapat diasumsikan bahwa setelah membaca teks tersebut, pembaca akan menjaga kecukupan tidur mereka setiap hari.

Dengan demikian, jawaban yang benar adalah "maintain the sufficiency of their sleep each day".

Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C.

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