Soal meminta untuk menulis ulang dari Aktivitas 15 menggunakan connectors atau "kata penghubung" dan menebak bahan dan alat yang digunakan.
Berikut adalah susunan yang benar dari Activity 15:
2. How to make perkedel (Indonesian potato fritters)
- Fry sliced potatoes and then mash them in a bowl.
- Mix together the mashed potato with fried shallots, salt, pepper, nutmeg powder, and egg yolks, and shape into palm-sized, flat round patties.
- Heat oil in a frying pan.
- Dip patty into egg white and then cook the patties over a medium heat.
- Serve with warm steamed rice or with steamed vegetables.
Materials atau "bahan-bahan" yang dibutuhkan adalah:
Tools atau "alat-alat":
- Bowl atau "mangkuk"
- Frying pan atau "wajan penggorengan"
- Spatula atau "sudip"
- Plate atau "piring"
Ingredients atau "komposisi":
- Potatoes atau "kentang"
- Fried shallots atau "bawang merah goreng"
- Salt atau "garam"
- Pepper atau "lada"
- Nutmeg powder atau "pala bubuk"
- Egg yolks atau "kuning telur"
- Cooking oil atau "minyak goreng"
- Egg white atau "putih telur"
Connectors yang digunakan adalah:
- Firstly atau "pertama"
- Then atau "kemudian"
- Next atau "selanjutnya"
- After that atau "setelah itu"
- Finally atau "terakhir"
Sehingga langkah-langkahnya menjadi:
- Firstly, fry sliced potatoes and then mash them in a bowl
- Then, mix together the mashed potato with fried shallots, salt, pepper, nutmeg powder, and egg yolks, and shape into palm-sized, flat round patties.
- After that, heat oil in a frying pan.
- Next, dip patty into egg white and then cook the patties over a medium heat.
- Finally, serve with warm steamed rice or with steamed vegetables.
Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah:
Materials atau "bahan-bahan" yang dibutuhkan adalah:
- Bowl
- Frying pan
- Spatula
- Plate
- Potatoes
- Fried shallots
- Salt
- Pepper
- Nutmeg powder
- Egg yolks
- Cooking oil
- Egg white
Firstly, fry sliced potatoes and then mash them in a bowl. Then, mix together the mashed potato with fried shallots, salt, pepper, nutmeg powder, and egg yolks, and shape into palm-sized, flat round patties. After that, heat oil in a frying pan. Next, dip patty into egg white and then cook the patties over a medium heat. Finally, serve with warm steamed rice or with steamed vegetables.